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Proof Let E = ( A
C T ) B . The goal is to show that the results in the n 2
1 column
vector E are the same as those in the n
n matrix D but in a different order. In particular,
we show that the ni + j entry in the former, namely e ni + j ,1 ,isequaltothe ( i , j ) entry in
D ,namely d i , j .
Given a matrix F ,let f i , j denote its entry in the i th row and j th column. Let f i ,
and f , j denote the i th row and j th column of F , respectively. Let rows and columns of
matrices be numbered consecutively from zero.
The matrix A
C T consists of blocks of n consecutive rows with the i th block con-
taining [ a i ,1 C T , a i ,2 C T , ... , a i , n C T ] .Thu ,the ni + j th entry of E ,namely e ni + j ,1 ,
is the j th entry in the product [ a i ,1 C T , a i ,2 C T , ... , a i , n C T ] B , as shown below, where
( c , j ) T ( b k , ) T
is the inner product of the row vector ( c , j ) T with the column vector
( b k , ) T .
a i , k ( c , j ) T ( b k , ) T
e ni + j ,1 =
k = 0
a i , k c l , j b k , l
k = 0
l = 0
a i , k b k , l c l , j
k = 0
l = 0
= d i , j
This is the desired conclusion.
With this as background, we state the space-time results to compute the product of three
THEOREM 10.13.5 There is an integer n 0 > 0 such that for n>n 0 the time T and space
S used by any general branching program to compute the product of three n
n matrices over a
commutative ring
must satisfy the following inequality:
ST =Ω( n 4 log
Proof Given a general branching program to compute ABC , no more space or time are
used when the matrices A and C are given specific values. Let them each be γ -nice for
some 0
1 / 2. The existence of such matrices is established in Lemma 10.12.1 .
From Lemma 10.12.2 we know that the matrix A
is γ 2 -ok. The result follows from
Theorem 10.13.3 since A
is n 2
n 2 .
We are now prepared to state space-time bounds for matrix inversion.
THEOREM 10.13.6 There is an integer n 0 > 0 such that for n>n 0 the time T and space S
used by any general branching program to compute the inverse of a non-singular n
n matrix over
a commutative ring
must satisfy the following inequality:
ST =Ω( n 4 log
This lower bound can be achieved to within a multiplicative factor over the range Ω( n 2 )
O ( n 3 ) .
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