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The graph H ( k ) has n ( k )=
H ( k )
vertices, where n ( k ) satisfies the following:
n ( 8 )= c 2 8
n ( k + 1 )= 2 n ( k )+( 2 c + 4 ) 2 k
7 ) c 2 k +( k
8 ) 2 k + 1 ,ascanbeshowndirectly.
The solution to the recurrence is n ( k )=( k
The graph H ( k ) is in
( n ( k ) ,2 ) .
Important subgraphs of H ( k + 1 ) have the superconcentrator property, as we now show.
This result is applied in the subsequent lemma to derive bounds on the amount of space used
to pebble outputs of H ( k + 1 ) .
LEMMA 10.8.2 The subgraphs of H ( k + 1 ) on 2 k inputs and 2 k outputs defined by vertices and
edges on paths from either inputs in I t or inputs in I b to the outputs of SC 1 and H 1 ( k ) have the
2 k -superconcentrator property.
Proof The superconcentrator property applies to the outputs of SC 1 ( k ) by definition. Note
that the j th input of H 1 ( k ) is connected to its j th output by an individual edge for 1
2 k .Thus,any r outputs of H 1 ( k ) have vertex-disjoint paths to the corresponding inputs of
H 1 ( k ) . By the superconcentrator property of SC 1 ( k ) , there are vertex-disjoint paths from
these outputs of SC 1 ( k ) to any r of its inputs. These statements obviously apply to inputs
in I t and I b .
Our goal is to show that pebbling the graph H ( k ) requires a number of pebbles propor-
tional to n ( k ) / log n ( k ) . To do this we establish the following stronger condition, which
implies the desired result.
LEMMA 10.8.3 Let c 1 = 14 / 256 , c 2 = 3 / 256 , c 3 = 34 / 256 ,and c 4 = 1 / 256 . To pebble at
least c 1 2 k outputs of H ( k ) in any order from an initial placement of at most c 2 2 k pebbles requires
there be a time interval [ t 1 , t 2 ] during which at least c 3 2 k
inputs are pebbled and at least c 4 2 k
pebbles remain on the graph.
Proof The proof is by induction on k with k = 8 as the base case. For the base case,
consider pebbling c 1 2 k = 14 outputs during a time interval [ 0, t ] from an initial placement
of no more than c 2 2 k = 3 pebbles.
By Problem 10.27 any four outputs of SC ( 8 ) are connected via pebble-free paths to
3 = 253 inputs. At least one of these four outputs, say v , has pebble-free paths to 64
253 / 4
inputs. Let t 1
1 be the last time at which all 64 of these inputs have pebble-free
paths to v .Let t 2 be the last time at which a pebble is placed on these 64 inputs. During the
time interval [ t 1 , t 2 ] at least 64
c 3 2 k inputs are pebbled and at least one pebble remains
on the graph; that is, at least c 4 2 k pebbles remain. This establishes the base case.
Now assume the conditions of the lemma (our inductive hypothesis) hold for k .We
show they hold for k + 1. Assume that at least c 1 2 k + 1 outputs of H ( k + 1 ) are pebbled in
any order from an initial placement of at most c 2 2 k + 1 pebbles during a time interval [ t a , t b ] .
We consider four cases including the following two cases. There is an interval [ t 1 , t 2 ]
[ t a , t b ] during which at least c 2 2 k pebbles are always on the graph and at least c 3 2 k outputs
of either (1) SC 1 ( k ) ,or(2) H 1 ( k ) are pebbled. By Lemma 10.8.2 the subgraph of H ( k + 1 )
consisting of paths from I t (and I b ) to the outputs of each of these graphs constitutes a 2 k -
superconcentrator. This is the only fact about these two cases that we use. Without loss of
generality, we show the hypothesis holds for the first of them.
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