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Odd Merge
Even Merge
u 1
v 1
u 2
z 1
x 1
x 2
x 3
z 2
z 3
z 4
z 5
z 6
z 7
z 8
v 2
u 3
x 4
y 2
y 1
y 4
y 3
v 3
u 4
v 4
Figure 10.9 Movement of an ordered subset of the items through Batcher's bitonic merge
This lower bound can be achieved to within a constant multiplicative factor when 2 log 2 n
( n/ log 2 n )+log 2 n .
Proof Let n be divisible by 2. Any consecutive n/ 2inputsin x can be shifted to the middle
n/ 2 positions in z through a judicious choice of values for y . To see this, observe that the
first k = n
n/ 4
l components of y , l
n/ 2, can be chosen to be less than the first l
components of x with the remaining n
k components of y chosen to be larger than the
first l + n/ 2 components of x . This will cause elements in positions l + 1, l + 2, ... , l + n/ 2
to shift into positions n
n/ 4 + 1, ... , n + n/ 4.
Since coalescing vertices in a graph reduces neither the time nor space needed to peb-
ble it, coalesce input vertices assigned to x whose indices are equivalent modulo n/ 2. By
Lemma 10.5.5 , the new graph has n/ 2-vertex disjoint paths between the new inputs and the
n/ 2 outputs in positions l + 1, l + 2, ... , l + n/ 2 for each of the n/ 2 cyclic permutations.
It follows that the argument applied to the cyclic shifting function (Lemma 10.5.2 ) applies
to this function. Thus, the merging network computes a function containing a subfunction
that is ( 2, n/ 2, n/ 2, n/ 4 ) -independent. The lower bound follows from Corollary 10.4.1 .
As shown in Section 6.8 , the graph of Batcher's bitonic merging network is an FFT
graph. Thus, the upper bounds given in Theorem 10.5.5 apply.
10.6 Worst-Case Tradeoffs for Pebble Games*
In this section we show that degree- d graphs on n vertices can be pebbled with O ( n/ log n )
pebbles (Theorem 10.7.1 ) and that some graphs require this many (Theorem 10.8.1 ). These
results do not answer the question of how bad the space-time tradeoff can be for an arbitrary
graph. To address this question we must make it precise. Lengauer and Tarjan [ 197 ]stateit
as follows: is there a value for the space S ,say, S J ( n ) ,suchthatforpositiveconstants c 1 ( d )
and c 2 ( d ) if S
c 1 ( d ) S J ( n ) , some graph on n vertices requires time superpolynomial in
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