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TEST CASES The quality of an approximation to the clique function f ( n )
clique , k is determined
by providing positive and negative test inputs. A k -positive test input is a binary n ( n
1 ) / 2-
tuple that describes a graph containing a single k -clique.
The negative test inputs, defined below, describe graphs that have many edges but not
quite enough to contain a k -clique. A special set of negative test inputs is associated with
balanced partitions of the vertices of an n -vertex graph G =( V , E ) .A
partition of V =
v 1 , ... , v n }
is a collection of k
1 disjoint sets, V 1 , V 2 , ... , V k− 1 ,such
that each set contains either
n/ ( k
n/ ( k
1 )
elements. (By Problem 9.5 there are
w = n mod ( k
1 ) sets of the first kind and k
w sets of the second kind.) The graph
associated with a particular ( k
1 ) -balanced partition has an edge between each pair of vertices
in different sets and no other edges. For each ( k
1 ) -balanced partition, a k -negative test
input is a binary n ( n
1 ) / 2-tuple x describing the graph G associated with that partition.
LEMMA 9.6.5 There are τ + k -positive test inputs, where
τ + = n
n !
k !( n
k )!
and τ k -negative test inputs, where for w = n mod ( k
1 )
n !
τ =
w )!
Proof It is well known that τ + = k . To derive the expression for τ
!) w (
!) k− 1 −w w !( k
we index each
element of each set in a ( k
1 ) -balanced partition. Such a partition has w = n mod ( k
1 )
sets containing
n/ ( k
1 )
elements and k
w sets containing
n/ ( k
1 )
The elements in the first w sets are indexed by the pairs
( i ,1 ) , ( i ,2 ) , ... , ( i ,
n/ ( k
1 )
for 1
w . Those in the remaining k
w sets are indexed by the pairs
be the set of all such pairs. To define a k -negative graph, we assign each vertex in the set
V =
( i ,1 ) , ( i ,2 ) , ... , ( i ,
n/ ( k
1 )
for w + 1
(See Fig. 9.13 .) Let
1 sets. If vertices
v a and v b are in the same set, the edge variable x a , b = 0; otherwise x a , b = 1. These
assignments define the edges in a graph G =( V , E ) .Thereare n ! assignments of vertices
to pairs. Of these, there are (
1, 2, ... , n
to a unique pair. This partitions the vertices into k
n/ ( k
1 )
!) w (
n/ ( k
1 )
!) k− 1 −w w !( k
w )! that
( 1, 1 )
( 1, 2 )
( 1, 3 )
( 1, 4 )
( 2, 1 )( 2, 2 )
( 2, 3 )
( 3, 1 )
( 3, 2 )
( 3, 3 )
v 3
v 7
v 1
v 2
v 9
v 5
v 10
v 6
v 4
v 8
v 2
v 1
v 3
v 7
v 5
v 10
v 9
v 4
v 8
v 6
Figure 9.13 Asetofpairs P indexing the elements of sets in a ( k − 1 ) -balanced partition of
aset V of n vertices. In this example n = 10 and k = 4 and the partition has three sets, V 1 ,
V 2 ,and V 3 containing four, three, and three elements, respectively. Shown are two assignments of
variables to pairs in P that correspond to the same partition of V .
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