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A 2
h 1 ( 1 )
g 1 ( 1 )
f 1 ( 1 )
Figure 9.7 The relationships among the sets f 1
( 1 ) , g 1
( 1 ) , h 1
( 1 ) , A 2 ,and h 1
( 0 ) .
By the identity n 1 /a 1 + n 2 /a 2
( n 1 + n 2 ) 2 / ( a 1 + a 2 ) , which holds for positive integers
(see Problem 9.3 ), the desired result follows because
A 1
A 2
Krapchenko's method is easily applied to the parity function f ( n )
. We need only let A
= 2 n− 1 .) Then
( B )contain n -tuples having an even (odd) number of 1's.
= n 2 n− 1 because for any vector in A there are exactly n vectors in B that are
( A , B )
neighbors of it. It follows that L Ω 0 f ( n )
n 2 .
9.5 The Power of Negation
As a prelude to the discussion of monotone circuits for monotone functions in the next sec-
tion, we consider the minimum number of negations necessary to realize an arbitrary Boolean
function f :
m . From Problem 2.12 on dual-rail logic we know that every such
function can be r eal iz ed by a monotone circuit in which both the variables x 1 , x 2 , ... , x n and
their negations x 1 , x 2 , ... , x n are provided as inputs. Furthermore, every such circuit need
have only at most twice as many AND and OR gates as a minimal circuit over Ω 0 , the standard
basis. Also, the depth of the dual-rail logic circuit of a function is at m o st one m o re than the
depth of a minimal-depth circuit, the extra depth being that to form x 1 , x 2 , ... , x n .
Let f ( n )
n be defined by f ( n )
NEG ( x 1 , x 2 , ... , x n )=( x 1 , x 2 , ... , x n ) .As
shown in Lemma 9.5.1 , this function can be realized by a circuit of size O ( n 2 log n ) and
depth O (log 2 n ) over Ω 0 using
negations. This implies that most Boolean
functions on n variables can be realized by a circuit whose size and depth are within a factor of
about 2 of their minimal values when the number of negations is
log 2 ( n + 1 )
log 2 ( n + 1 )
THEOREM 9.5.1 Every Boolean function on n variables, f : B
m , can be realized by a
circuit containing at most
negations. Furthermore, the minimal size and depth of
such circuits is at most 2 C Ω 0 ( f )+ O ( n 2 log n ) and D Ω 0 ( f )+ O (log 2 n ) , respectively, where
C Ω 0 ( f ) and D Ω 0 ( f ) are the circuit size and depth of f over the standard basis Ω 0 .
log 2 ( n + 1 )
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