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functions are non-monotone ( x , for example), some function g in a complete basis Ω is non-
monotone. This means there exist tuples x and y for g , x
y ,suchthat g ( x )= 1 >g ( y )=
0. Let u and v be the largest and smallest tuples, respectively, satisfying x
and g ( u )= 1and g ( v )= 0. Then u and v differ in at most one position. Without loss
of generality, let that position be the first and let the values in the remaining positions in
both tuples be ( c 2 , . .. , c n ) . It follows that g ( 1, c 2 , ... , c n )= 0and g ( 0, c 2 , ... , c n )= 1or
g ( x , c 2 , ... , c n )= x .If l (Ω) is the number of gates from Ω needed to realize the identity
function, then l (Ω) = 1or2.
THEOREM 9.2.1 Let Ω be a complete basis of
m . The following
fan-in r and let f :
inequalities hold on C s , Ω ( f ) :
C Ω ( f )
C s + 1, Ω ( f )
C s , Ω ( f )
C 1, Ω ( f )
Furthermore, C s , Ω ( f ) has the following relationship to C Ω ( f ) for s
2 :
C Ω ( f ) 1 + l (Ω)( r
1 )
C s , Ω ( f )
Proof The first set of inequalities holds because a smallest circuit with fan-out s is no smaller
than a smallest circuit with fan-out s + 1, a less restrictive type of circuit.
The last inequality follows by constructing a tree of identity functions at each gate whose
fan-out exceeds s .(SeeFig. 9.2 .) If a gate has fan-out φ>s ,reducethefan-outto s and
then attach an identity gate to one of these s outputs. This increases the fan-out from s to
s + s
1. If φ is larger than this number, repeat the process of adding an identity gate k
times, where k is the smallest integer such that s + k ( s
1 )
φ or is the largest integer
such that s +( k
1 ) .
Let φ i denote the fan-out of the i th gate in a circuit for f of potentially unbounded
fan-out and let k i be the largest integer satisfying the following bound:
1 )( s
1 ) .Thus, k< ( φ
1 ) / ( s
k i < φ i
Then at most i ( k i l (Ω) + 1 ) gates are needed in the circuit of fan-out s to realize f ,
one for the i th gate in the original circuit and k i l (Ω) gates for the k i copies of the identity
Figure 9.2 Conversion of a vertex with fan-out more than s to a subtree with fan-out s ,
illustrated for s = 2.
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