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Pairing functions can be very easy to describe and compute. For example, < x , y > can
be implemented by representing 0 by 01, 1 by 10, both < and > by 11, and , (comma) by 00.
Thus, < 0010, 110 > is encoded as 11010110010010100111. It is clearly trivial to identify,
extract, and decode each component of the pair. We are now prepared to define P/poly .
DEFINITION 8.15.4 Let a : ￿
→B be a polynomial advice function. P/poly is the set of
languages L =
< w , a (
) >
for which there is a language A in P .
The advice a (
) givenonastring w in a language L
P/poly isthesameforall
strings of the same length. Furthermore, < w , a (
) > must be easy to recognize, namely,
recognizable in polynomial time.
Thesubsetofthelanguagesin P/poly for which the advice function is the empty string is
exactly the languages in P ,thatis, P
P/poly .
The following result is the principal result of this section. It gives two different interpreta-
tions of the advice given on strings.
THEOREM 8.15.2 A language L is recognizable by a family of circuits of polynomial size if and
only if L
P/poly .
Proof Let L be recognizable by a family
of circuits of polynomial size. We show that it is
in P/po ly .
Let C n be an encodi ng of the circuit C n in
n .Letthe
that recognizes strings in L
∈B have length n .Then, w
advice function a ( n )= C n and let w
if and only if
the value of C n on w is 1. Since w has length polynomial in n , w
if and only if the
pairing function < w , a (
) > is an instance of CIRCUIT SAT , which has been shown to
be in P .(SeeTheorem 8.13.2 .)
On the other hand, suppose that L
P/poly . We show that L is recognizable by circuits
of polynomial size. By definition there is an advice function a : ￿
→B and a language
P for L such that for all w
L , < w , a (
) >
A .Since A
P ,thereisa
polynomial-time DTM that accepts < w , a (
) > .ByTheorem 8.13.1 there is a circuit
of polynomial size that recognizes < w , a (
) > .Thestring a (
) is constant for strings
n to which is supplied the constant string a (
w of length n . Thus, the circuit for A
is a circuit of length polynomial in n that accepts strings w in L .
8.1 Show that if strings over an alphabet
with at least two letters are encoded over a
one-letter alphabet (a unary encoding ), then strings of length n over
require strings
of length exponential in n in the unary encoding.
8.2 Show that the polynomial function p ( n )= K 1 n k can be computed in O (log 2 n ) serial
steps from n and for constants K 1
1and k
1 on a RAM when additions require
one unit of time.
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