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In the above discussion we examine functions computed by Turing machines.
If these
functions are characteristic functions , f :
B →B
; that is, they have value 0 or 1, then
those strings for which f has value 1 define a language L f . Also, associated with each language
⊆B is a characteristic function f L :
B →B
that has value 1 on only those strings in L .
⊆B .Foreach n
Consider now a language L
1 a circuit can be constructed whose
n and 0 otherwise. Similarly, given a family
value is 1 on binary strings in L
of circuits
such that for each natural number n
1the n th circuit, C n , computes a Boolean function
on n inputs, the language L associated with this circuit family contains only those strings of
length n for which C n has value 1. We say that L is recognized by
. At the risk of confusion,
we use the same name for a circuit family and the languages they define.
In Theorem 8.5.6 we show that NSPACE ( r ( n ))
TIME ( k log n + r ( n ) ) .Wenowuse
the ideas of that proof together with the parallel algorithm for transitive closure given in Sec-
tion 6.4 to show that languages in NSPACE ( r ( n )) , r ( n )
log n , are recognized by a uniform
family of circuits in which the n th circuit has size O ( k log n + r ( n ) ) and depth O ( r 2 ( n )) .When
r ( n )= O (log n ) , the circuit family in question is contained in the class NC 2 introduced in
the next section.
THEOREM 8.13.3 If
⊆B is in NSPACE ( r ( n )) , r ( n )
log n , there exists a time-
r ( n ) uniform family of circuits recognizing L such that the n th circuit has size O ( k log n + r ( n ) )
and depth O ( r 2 ( n )) for some constant k .
Proof We assume without loss of generality that the NDTM accepting L has one accepting
configuration. We then construct the adjacency matrix for the configuration graph of M .
This matrix has a 1 entry in row i , column j if there is a transition from the i th to the
j th configuration. All other entries are 0. From the analysis of Corollary 8.5.1 ,thisgraph
has O ( k log n + r ( n ) ) configurations. The initial configuration is determined by the word w
written initially on the tape of the NDTM accepting L . If the transitive closure of this
matrix has a 1 in the row and column corresponding to the initial and final configurations,
respectively, then the word w is accepted.
From Theorem 6.4.1 the transitive closure of a Boolean p
language L
p matrix A can be computed
by computing ( I + A ) q
for q
1. Thiscanbedonebysquaring As times for
log 2 p . From this we conclude that the transitive closure can be computed by a circuit
of depth O (log 2 m ) ,where m is the number of configurations. Since m = O ( k log n + r ( n ) ) ,
we have the desired circuit size and depth bounds.
Aprogramtocomputethe d th power of an p
p matrix A is shown in Fig. 8.20 .This
program can be converted to one that writes the description of a circuit for this purpose,
and both the original and converted programs can be realized in space O ( d log p ) .(See
trans( A , n , d , i , j )
if d = 0 then
return( a i , j )
return( k = 1 trans( A , n , d
1, i , k ) * trans( A , n , d
1, k , j ))
Figure 8.20 A recursive program to compute the d th power of an n × n matrix A .
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