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der complements), we have that every problem in coPSPACE can be reduced in log-space
to QUANTIFIED SATISFIABILITY . However, since PSPACE = coPSPACE ,wehavethe
desired result.
Our task now is to show that every problem
PSPACE can be reduced in log-space
PSPACE be the language
and let M be the DTM deciding L . Instances of QUANTIFIED
UNSATISFIABILITY will be quantified formulas in SOPE form that describe conditions on
the configuration graph G ( M , w ) of M on input w . We associate a Boolean vector with
each vertex in G ( M , w ) and assume that G ( M , w ) has one initial and final vertex associated
with the vectors a and b , respectively. (We can make the last assumption because M can be
designed to enter a cleanup phase in which it prints blanks in all non-blank tape cells.)
Let c and d be vector encodings of arbitrary configurations c and d of G ( M , w ) .We
construct formulas ψ i ( c , d ) ,0
of “Yes” instances of
k , in SOPE form that are satisfied if and only if
there exists a path from c to d in G ( M , w ) of length at most 2 i (it computes the predi-
cate PATH( c , d ,2 i ) introduced in the proof of Theorem 8.5.5 ). Then a “Yes” instance of
QUANTIFIED UNSATISFIABILITY is the formula ψ k ( a , b ) ,where a and b are encodings
of the initial and final vertices of G ( M , w ) for k sufficiently large that a polynomial-space
computation can be done in time 2 k . Since, as seen in Theorem 8.5.6 , a deterministic com-
putation in space S is done in time O ( 2 S ) ,itsufficesfor k to be polynomial in the length
of the input.
The formula ψ 0 ( c , d ) is satisfiable if either c = d or d follows from c in one step. Such
formulas are easily computed from the descriptions of M and w . ψ i ( c , d ) can be expressed
as shown below, where the existential quantification is over all possible intermediate config-
urations e of M . (See the proof of Theorem 8.5.5 for the representation of PATH( c , d ,2 i )
in terms of PATH( c , e ,2 i− 1 )andPATH( e , d ,2 i− 1 ).)
ψ i ( c , d )=
e [ ψ i− 1 ( c , e )
ψ i− 1 ( e , d )]
Note that
e q ,where q is the length of e . Universal quantifi-
cation over a vector is expanded in a similar fashion.
Unfortunately, for i = k this recursively defined formula requires space exponential
in the size of the input. Fortunately, we can represent ψ i ( c , d ) more succinc tl y using the
implication operator x
e is equivalent to
e 1
e 2
y , as shown below, where x
y is equivalent to x
y .Note
that if x
y is TRUE , then either x is FALSE or x and y are both TRUE .
ψ i ( c , d )=
e [
y [( x = c
y = e )
( x = e
y = d )]
ψ i− 1 ( x , y )] (8.2)
Here x = y denotes ( x 1 = y 1 )
( x 2 = y 2 )
( x q = y q ) ,where ( x i = y i ) denotes
x i y i
x i y i . Then, the formula in the outer square brackets of ( 8.2 ) is true when either
( x = c
y = d ) is FALSE or this expression is TRUE and ψ i− 1 ( x , y ) is
also TRUE . Because the contents of the outer square brackets are TRUE , the quantization on
x and y requires that ψ i− 1 ( c , e ) and ψ i− 1 ( e , d ) both be TRUE or that the formula given
in ( 8.1 ) be satisfied.
It remains to convert the expression for ψ i ( c , d ) given above to SOPE form in log-space.
Butthisisstraightforward.Wereplace g
y = e )
( x = e
h by g
h ,where g =( r
s )
( t
u ) and
r =( x = c ), s =( y = e ) , t =( x = e ) ,and u =( y = d ) . It follows that
g =( r
s )
( t
u )
=( r
t )
( r
u )
( s
t )
( s
u )
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