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8.12 PSPACE -Complete Problems
PSPACE is the class of decision problems that are decidable by a Turing machine in space poly-
nomial in the length of the input. Problems in PSPACE are potentially much more complex
than problems in P .
The hardest problems in PSPACE are the PSPACE -complete problems. (See Section 8.8 .)
Such problems have two properties: a) they are in PSPACE and b) every problem in PSPACE
can be reduced to them by a polynomial-time Turing machine. The PSPACE -complete prob-
lems are the hardest problems in PSPACE in the sense that if they are in P ,thensoareall
problems in PSPACE , an unlikely prospect.
We now establish that QUANTIFIED SATISFIABILITY defined below is PSPACE -complete.
We also show that GENERALIZED GEOGRAPHY , a game played on a graph, is PSPACE -
complete by reducing QUANTIFIED SATISFIABILITY to it. A characteristic shared by many
important PSPACE -complete problems and these two problems is that they are equivalent to
games on graphs.
8.12.1 A First PSPACE -Complete Problem
Quantified Boolean formulas use existential quantification, denoted
, and universal quan-
x 1 ,means“there
exists a value for the Boolean variable x 1 ,” whereas universal quantification on variable x 2 ,
. Existential quantification on variable x 1 , denoted
tification, denoted
x 2 , m eans “ fo r all values of th e B ool e an v ar iable x 2 .” Given a Boolean formula such
as ( x 1
x 3 ) , a quantification of it is a collection of
universal or existential quantifiers, one per variable in the formula, followed by the formula.
For example,
x 2
x 3 )
( x 1
x 2
x 3 )
( x 1
x 2
x 1
x 2
x 3 [( x 1
x 2
x 3 )
( x 1
x 2
x 3 )
( x 1
x 2
x 3 )]
is a quantified formula. Its meaning is “for all v alues o f x 1 , does ther e exi st a v al ue for x 2 such
that for all values of x 3 the formula ( x 1
x 3 ) is satisfied?”
In this case the answer is “No” because for x 1 = 1, the function is not satisfied with x 3 = 0
when x 2 = 0 and is not satisfied with x 3 = 1when x 2 = 1. However, if the third quantifier
is changed from universal to existential, then the quantified formula is satisfied. Note that the
order of the quantifiers is important. To see this, observe that under the quantification order
x 2
x 3 )
( x 1
x 2
x 3 )
( x 1
x 2
x 2 that the quantified formula is satisfied.
QUANTIFIED SATISFIABILITY consists of satisfiable instances of quantified Boolean for-
mulas in which each formula is expressed as a set of clauses.
x 1
x 3
Instance: A set of literals X =
, a sequence of clauses C =
( c 1 , c 2 , ... , c m ) , where each clause c i is a subset of X , and a sequence of quantifiers
( Q 1 , Q 2 , ... , Q n ) ,where Q j ∈{∀
x 1 , x 1 , x 2 , x 2 , ... , x n , x n }
Answer: “Yes” if under the quantifiers Q 1 x 1 Q 2 x 2
Q n x n ,theclauses c 1 , c 2 , ... , c m are
satisfied, denoted
Q 1 x 1 Q 2 x 2
Q n x n [ φ ]
where the formula φ = c 1
c 2
c m is in the product-of-sums form. (See Section 2.2 .)
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