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A finite function is one whose domain and codomain are both finite sets. Finite functions
can be completely defined by tables of pairs
( d , r )
,where d is an element of its domain and
r is the corresponding element of its codomain.
Binary functions are complete finite functions whose domains and codomains are Carte-
sian products over the binary set
0, 1
. Boolean functions are binary functions whose
codomain is
. The tables below define three Boolean functions on two input variables and
one Boolean function on one input variable. They are called truth tables because the values 1
and 0 are often associated with the values Tr u e and False , respectively.
00 0
01 0
10 0
11 1
00 0
01 1
10 1
11 1
00 0
01 1
10 1
11 0
The above tables define the AND function x
y (its value is Tr u e when x and y are Tr u e ),
the OR function x
y (its value is Tr u e when either x or y or both are Tr u e ), the EXCLUSIVE
OR function x
y (its value is Tr u e only when either x or y is Tr u e ,thatis,when x is
Tr u e and y is False and vice versa), and the NOT function x (its value is Tr u e when x is
False and vice versa). The notation f ( 2,1 )
, f ( 2,1 )
, f ( 2,1 )
f ( 1,1 )
for these functions makes explicit their number of input and output variables.
We generally suppress the second superscript when functions are Boolean. The physical devices
that compute the AND , OR , NOT ,and EXCLUSIVE OR functions are called gates .
Many computational problems are described by functions f :
B →B
A →C from the (un-
bounded) set of strings over an alphabet
to the set of strings over a potentially different
. Since the letters in every finite alphabet
can be encoded as fixed-length strings
over the binary alphabet
0, 1
, there is no loss of generality in assuming that functions
B →B , that is, from strings over
are mappings f :
Functions with unbounded domains can be used to identify languages. A language L over
the alphabet
to strings over
A →B
is uniquely determined by a characteristic function f :
with the
A such that f ( x )= 1
property that L =
. This statement means that L is the set
of strings x in A for which f on them, namely f ( x ) , has value 1.
We often restrict a function f :
B →B to input strings of length n , n arbitrary. The
n . Its codomain consists of those strings into which strings of
length n map. This set may contain strings of many lengths. It is often convenient to map
strings of length n to strings of a fixed length containing the same information. This can be
done as follows. Let h ( n ) be the length of a longest string that is the value of an input string
of length n . Encode letters in
domain of such a function is
by repeating them (replace 0 by 00 and 1 by 11) and then add
as a prefix as many instances of 01 as necessary to insure that each string in the codomain of
f n has 2 h ( n ) characters. For example, if h ( 4 )= 3and f ( 0110 )= 10, encode the value 10 as
011100. This encoding provides a function f n :
2 h ( n ) containing all the information
that is in the original version of f n .
It is often useful to work with functions f : ￿
whose domains and codomains are
real numbers ￿ . Functions of this type include linear functions, polynomials, exponentials,
and logarithms. A polynomial p ( x ): ￿
1 in the variable x is specified
by a set of k real coefficients, c k− 1 , ... , c 1 , c 0 ,where p ( x )= c k− 1 x k− 1 +
of degree k
+ c 1 x 1 + c 0 .
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