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This important question is related to the question whether P = NP ,becauseif NP
= coNP ,
= NP because P is closed under complements but NP is not.
then P
8.6.1 The Complement of NP
The class coNP is the class of decision problems whose complements are in NP .Thatis,
coNP is the language of “No” instances of problems in NP . The decision problem VALIDITY
defined below is an example of a problem in coNP . In fact, it is log-space complete for coNP .
(See Problem 8.10 .) VALIDITY identifies SOPEs (the sum-of-products expansion, defined in
Section 2.3 ) that can have value 1.
Instance: A set of literals X =
, and a sequence of products
P =( p 1 , p 2 , ... , p m ) ,whereeachproduct p i is a subset of X .
Answer: “Yes” if for all assignments of Boolean values to variables in
x 1 , x 1 , x 2 , x 2 , ... , x n , x n }
x 1 , x 2 , ... , x n }
literal in at least one product has value 1.
Given a language L in NP ,astringin L has a certificate for its membership in L consisting
of the set of choices that cause its recognizing Turing machine to accept it. For example, a
certificate for SATISFIABILITY is a set of values for its variables satisfying at least one literal
in each sum. For an instance of a problem in coNP ,a disqualification is a certificate for the
complement of the instance. An instance in co VALIDITY is disqualified by an assignment that
causes all products to have value 0. Thus, each “Yes” instance in VALIDITY is disqualified by
an assignment that prevents the expression from being valid. (See Problem 8.11 .)
As mentioned just before the start of this section, if NP
= coNP ,then P
= NP because P
= coNP ,wetryto
identify a problem that is in NP but is not known to be in P . A problem that is NP and coNP
simultaneously (the class NP
is closed under complements. Because we know of no way to establish NP
coNP ) is a possible candidate for a problem that is in NP but
not P , which would show that P
= NP . We show that PRIMALITY is in NP
coNP .(Itis
straightforward to show that P
coNP . See Problem 8.12 .)
Instance: An integer n written in binary notation.
Answer: “Yes” if n is a prime.
A disqualification for PRIMALITY is an integer that is a factor of n . Thus, the complement
of PRIMALITY is in NP ,so PRIMALITY is in coNP . We now show that PRIMALITY is also in
NP or that it is in NP
coNP . To prove the desired result we need the following result from
number theory, which we do not prove (see [ 235 , p. 222] for a proof ).
THEOREM 8.6.3 An integer p> 2 is prime if and only if there is an integer 1 <r<p such that
r p− 1 = 1 mod p and for all prime divisors q of p
1 , r ( p− 1 ) /q
= 1 mod p .
As a consequence, to give evidence of primality of an integer p> 1, we need only provide
an integer r ,1 <r<p , and the prime divisors
q 1 , ... , q k }
other than 1 of p
show that r p− 1 = 1 mod p and r ( p− 1 ) /q
such integers exist if and only if p is prime. In turn, we must give evidence that the integers
= 1 mod p for q
q 1 , ... , q k }
areprime.Wemustalsoshowthat k is small and that the recursive check of the primes does
q 1 , ... , q k }
are prime divisors of p
1, which requires showing that they divide p
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