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THEOREM 8.5.5 (Savitch) REACHABILITY is in SPACE (log 2 n ) .
Proof As mentioned three paragraphs earlier, the REACHABILITY problem on a graph G =
( V , E ) can be solved with depth-first search. This requires storing data on each vertex visited
during a search. This data can be as large as O ( n ) , n =
. We exhibit an algorithm that
uses much less space.
Given an instance of REACHABILITY defined by G =( V , E ) and u , v
V ,foreach
we define predicates PATH a , b ,2 k whose
value is true if there exists a path from a to b in G whose length is at most 2 k and false other-
wise. Since no path has length more than n , the solution to the REACHABILITY problem is
pair of vertices ( a , b ) and integer k
log 2 n
the value of PATH u , v ,2 log 2 n . The predicates PATH a , b ,2 0 aretrueifeither a = b
or there is a path of length 1 (an edge) between the vertices a and b .Thus,PATH a , b ,2 0
can be evaluated directly by consulting the problem instance on the input tape.
The algorithm that computes PATH u , v ,2 log 2 n with space O (log 2 n ) uses the
fact that any path of length at most 2 k
can be decomposed into two paths of length at
most 2 k− 1 .Thus,ifPATH a , b ,2 k is true, then there must be some vertex z such that
PATH a , z ,2 k− 1 and PATH z , b ,2 k− 1 are both true. The truth of PATH a , b ,2 k can
be established by searching for a z such that PATH a , z ,2 k− 1 is true. Upon finding one,
we determine the truth of PATH z , b ,2 k− 1 . Failing to find such a z ,PATH a , b ,2 k is
declared to be false. Each evaluation of a predicate is done in the same fashion, that is, re-
cursively. Because we need evaluate only one of PATH a , z ,2 k− 1 and PATH z , b ,2 k− 1
at a time, space can be reused.
We now describe a deterministic Turing machine with an input tape and two work tapes
computing PATH u , v ,2 log 2 n . The input tape contains an instance of REACHABILITY ,
which means it has not only the vertices u and v but also a description of the graph G .The
first work tape will contain triples of the form ( a , b , k ), which are called activation records .
This tape is initialized with the activation record ( u , v ,
). (See Fig. 8.5 .)
The DTM evaluates the last activation record, ( a , b , k ), on the first work tape as de-
scribed above. There are three kinds of activation records, complete records of the form
( a , b , k ), initial segments of the form ( a , z , k
log 2 n
1), and final segments of the form ( z , b , k
1). The first work tape is initialized with the complete record ( u , v ,
An initial segment is created from the current complete record ( a , b , k ) by selecting a
vertex z to form the record ( a , z , k
log 2 n
1), which becomes the current complete record. If
it evaluates to true, it can be determined to be an initial or final segment by examining the
previous record ( a , b , k ). If it evaluates to false, ( a , z , k
1 ) is erased and another value
of z , if any, is selected and another initial segment placed on the work tape for evaluation.
If no other z exists, ( a , z , k
1 ) is erased and the expression PATH a , b ,2 k is declared
false. If ( a , z , k
1 ) is created, placed on the
work tape, and evaluated in the same fashion. As mentioned in the second paragraph of this
1 ) evaluates to true, the final record ( z , b , k
Figure 8.5 A snapshot of the stack used by the REACHABILITY algorithm in which the com-
ponents of an activation record ( a , b , k ) are distributed over several cells.
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