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7.8 Generalize the example of Section 7.5.1 to show that the product of an n
n matrix
1 steps on a linear systolic array.
7.9 Show that every algorithm on a linear array to compute the product of an n
and an n -vector can be realized in 3 n
n matrix
and an n -vector requires at least n steps. Assume that components of the matrix and
vector enter cells individually.
7.10 Design an algorithm for a linear array of length O ( n ) that convolves two sequences
each of length n in O ( n ) steps. Show that no substantially faster algorithm for such a
linear array exists.
7.11 Show that at most σ ( d )= 2 d 2 + 2 d + 1 cells are at most d edges away from any cell
in a two-dimensional systolic array.
7.12 Derive an expression for the distance between vertices ( n 1 , n 2 , ... , n d ) and ( m 1 , m 2 ,
... , m d ) in a d -dimensional toroidal mesh and determine the maximum distance be-
tween two such vertices.
7.13 Design efficient algorithms to multiply two n
n matrices on a k
k mesh, k
n .
7.14 Show that the vertices of the 2 d -input FFT graph can be numbered so that edges be-
tween levels correspond to swaps across the dimensions of a d -dimensional hypercube.
7.15 Show that the convolution function f ( n , m )
: R n + m
R n + m− 1 over a commutative
can be implemented by a fully normal algorithm in time O (log n ) .
7.16 Prove that the unshuffle operation on a linear array of n = 2 d cells can be done with
2 d
1 comparison/exchange steps.
7.17 Prove that the algorithm described in Section 7.7.4 to simulate a normal hypercube
algorithm on a linear array of n = 2 d elements correctly places into exchange locations
elements whose indices differ by successive powers of 2.
7.18 Describe an efficient algorithm for a linear array that merges two sorted sequences of
the same length.
7.19 Show that Batcher's sorting algorithm based on bitonic merging can be realized on an
p -vertex hypercube by a normal algorithm in O (log 2 p ) steps.
7.20 Show that Batcher's sorting algorithm based on bitonic merging can be realized on a
linear array of n = 2 d cells in O ( n ) steps.
7.21 Sh o w th at Batcher's sort in g algorithm based on bitonic merging can be realized on an
× n array in O ( n ) steps.
7.22 Design an O ( n ) -step alg o rith m to implement an arbitrary permutation of n items
× n mesh.
7.23 Describe a normal algorithm to realize a prefix computation on a p -vertex hypercube in
O (log p ) steps.
placed one per cell of an n
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