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We emphasize again that subtraction plays a central role in Strassen's algorithm. Without
it we show in Section 10.4 that the standard algorithm is nearly best possible.
Strassen's algorithm is practical for sufficiently large matrices, say with n
64. It can
also be used to multiply Boolean matrices even though the addition operator ( OR )andthe
multiplication operator ( AND )overtheset
do not constitute a ring. (See Problem 6.9 .)
6.4 Transitive Closure
The edges of a directed graph G =( V , E ) , n =
, specify paths of length 1 between pairs of
vertices. (See Fig. 6.3 .) This information is captured by the Boolean n
n adjacency matrix
A =[ a i , j ] ,1
n ,where a i , j is 1 if there is an edge from vertex i to vertex j in E and
0 otherwise. (The adjacency matrix for the graph in Fig. 6.3 is given after Lemma 6.4.1 .) Our
goal is to compute a matrix A whose i , j entry a i , j has value 1 if there is a path of length
0 or more between vertices i and j and value 0 otherwise. A is called the transitive closure
of the matrix A . The transitive closure function f ( n )
i , j
n 2
n 2
maps an arbitrary n
n transitive closure matrix; that is, f ( n )
A ( A )= A .Inthis
Boolean matrix A onto its n
section we add and multiply Boolean matrices over the set
using OR as the element addition
operation and AND as the element multiplication operation. (Note that (
,0,1 ) is not
a ring; it satisfies all the rules for a ring except for the condition that each element of
an (additive) inverse under
To c omp u t e A we use the following facts: a) the entry in the r th row and s th column
of the Boolean matrix product A 2 = A
A is 1 if there is a path containing two edges from
vertex r to vertex s and 0 otherwise (which follows from the definition of Boolean matrix
multiplication given in Section 6.3 ), and b) the entry in the r th row and s th column of
A k
= A k− 1
A is 1 if there is a path containing k edges from vertex r to vertex s and 0
otherwise, as the reader is asked to show. (See Problem 6.11 .)
LEMMA 6.4.1 Let A be the Boolean adjacency matrix for a directed graph and let A k be the k th
power of A . Then the following identity holds for k
1 ,where + denotes the addition ( OR )of
Boolean matrices:
+ A k (6.2)
Proof The proof is by induction. The base case is k = 1, for which the identity holds.
Assume that it holds for k
( I + A ) k = I + A +
1. We show that it holds for k = K .Since ( I + A ) K− 1 =
Figure 6.3 A graph that illustrates transitive closure.
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