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product is not the zero vector. A set of rows of a matrix A over a field
is linearly indepen-
dent if all linear combinations are non-zero except when each scalar is zero.
The rank of an n
, f ( n )
n 2
m matrix A over a field
rank :
, is the maximum
number of linearly independent rows of A . It is also the maximum number of linearly inde-
pendent columns of A . (See Problem 6.5 .) We write rank( A )= f ( n )
rank ( A ) .An n
n matrix
A is non-singular if rank( A )= n .
If an n
is non-singular, it has an inverse A 1 that is an n
n matrix A over a field
matrix with the following properties:
AA 1 = A 1 A = I n
n identity matrix. That is, there is a (partial) inverse function f ( n )
where I n
is the n
that is defined for non-singular square matrices A such that f ( n )
n 2
n 2
inv ( A )= A 1 .
f ( n )
inv is partial because it is not defined for singular matrices. Below we exhibit a matrix and its
inverse over a field
= 1
Algorithms for matrix inversion are given in Section 6.5 .
We now show that the inverse ( AB ) 1 of the product AB of two invertible matrices, A
and B ,overafield
is the product of their inverses in reverse order.
LEMMA 6.2.1 Let A and B be invertible square matrices over a field R . Then the following
relationship holds:
( AB ) 1 = B 1 A 1
Proof To s h ow t h a t ( AB ) 1 = B 1 A 1 , we multiply AB either on the left or right by
B 1 A 1 to produce the identity matrix:
AB ( AB ) 1
ABB 1 A 1
A ( BB 1 ) A 1
AA 1
( AB ) 1 AB
B 1 A 1 AB
B 1 ( A 1 A ) B
B 1 B
The transpose of the product of an m
n matrix A and an n
p matrix B over a ring
is the product of their transposes in reverse order:
( AB ) T
= B T A T
(See Problem 6.6 .) In particular, the following identity holds for an m
n matrix A and a
column n -vector x :
=( A x ) T
x T A T
A block matrix is a matrix in which each entry is a matrix with fixed dimensions. For
example, when n is even it may be convenient to view an n
n matrix as a 2
four entries are ( n/ 2 )
( n/ 2 ) matrices.
Two special types of matrix that are frequently encountered are the Toeplitz and circulant
matrices. An n
n Toeplitz matrix T has the property that its ( i , j ) entry t i , j = a r for
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