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It can be expressed as follows:
x 1
x 2
x 3
x 4
9 0 1 2
Solving a linear system , when it is possible, consists of finding values for x given values for
A and b .(SeeSection 6.6 .)
Consider the set of m
n matrices whose entries are drawn from a ring
.The matrix
addition function f ( m , n )
A + B
2 mn
mn on two m
n matrices A =[ a i , j ] and B =[ b i , j ]
generates a matrix C = f ( m , n )
A + B ( A , B )= A + m , n B =[ c i , j ] ,where + m , n is the infix matrix
addition operator and c i , j is defined as
c i , j = a i , j + b i , j
The straight-line program based on this equation uses one instance of the ring addition op-
erator + for each entry in C . It follows that over the basis
, C + ( f ( m , n )
A + B )= mn and
D + ( f ( m , n )
A + B )= 1. Two special cases of matrix addition are the addition of square matrices
( m = n ), denoted + n , and the addition of row or column vectors that are either 1
n or
The matrix multiplication function f ( n )
( m + p ) n
mp multiplies an m
n matrix A =[ a i , j ] by an n
p matrix B =[ b i , j ] to produce the m
p matrix C =
f ( n )
A×B ( A , B )= A
× n B =[ c i , j ] ,where
c i , j =
a i , k
b k , j
k = 1
× n is usually dropped
when the dimensions of the matrices are understood. The standard matrix multiplication
algorithm for multiplying an m
× n is the infix matrix multiplication operator. The subscript on
p matrix B forms mp inner products
of the kind shown in equation ( 6.1 ). Thus, it uses mnp instances of the ring multiplication
operator and m ( n
n matrix A by an n
1 ) p instances of the ring addition operator.
A fast algorithm for matrix multiplication is given in Section 6.3.1 . It is now straightfor-
ward to show the following result. (See Problem 6.4 .)
THEOREM 6.2.1 Let M n×n be the set of n × n matrices over a commutative ring R .The
M n×n =( M n×n , + n ,
× n ,0 n , I n ) ,where + n and
× n are the matrix addition and
multiplication operators and 0 n and I n are the n
n zero and identity matrices, is a ring.
M n×n is not a commutative ring because matrix multiplication is not
commutative. For example, the following two matrices do not commute, that is, AB
The ring of matrices
= BA :
A = 01
B = 10
m matrix A is a sum of scalar
products of the rows in this subset. A linear combination is non-zero if the sum of the scalar
A linear combination of a subset of the rows of an n
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