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ρ ( M 1 )
ρ ( M 2 )
ρ ( M k )
w 2
w k
Figure 5.11 A table whose rows and columns are indexed by input strings and Turing ma-
chines, respectively. Here
w i is the i th input string and ρ ( M j ) is the encoding of the j th Turing
machine. The entry in row i ,column j indicates whether or not M j accepts
w i .Thelanguage
L 1 consists of input strings
w j
for which the entry in the j th row and j th column is reject .
Proof We use proof by contradiction; that is, we assume the existence of a TM M k
L 1 .If w k is in
L 1 ,then M k accepts it, contradicting the definition of
L 1 .This
implies that w k is not in
L 1 . On the other hand, if w k is not in
L 1 , then it is not accepted
by M k . It follows from the definition of
L 1 that w k is in
L 1 .Thus, w k is in
L 1 if and only
L 1 . We have a contradiction and no Turing machine accepts
L 1 .
if it is not in
This proof uses diagonalization .(SeeFig. 5.11 .) In effect, we construct an infinite two-
dimensional matrix whose rows are indexed by input words and whose columns are indexed
by Turing machines. The entry in row i and column j of this matrix specifies whether or not
input word w i is accepted by M j . The language
L 1 contains those words w j that M j rejects,
that is, it contains row indices (words) for which the word “reject” is found on the diagonal.
If we assume that some TM, M k , accepts
L 1 ,wehaveaproblembecausewecannotdecide
whether or not w k is in
L 1 . Diagonalization is effective in ruling out the possibility of solving
a computational problem but has limited usefulness on problems of bounded size.
5.7.3 Recursively Enumerable but Not Decidable Languages
We show the existence of a language that is recursively enumerable but not decidable. Our
approach is to show that the complement of a recursive language is recursive and then exhibit
a recursively enumerable language
L 2 whose complement
L 1 is not recursively enumerable:
L 2 =
w i |
w i
is accepted by M i }
THEOREM 5.7.5 Thecomplementofadecidablelanguageisdecidable.
Proof Let L be a recursive language accepted by a Turing machine M 1 that halts on all
input strings. Relabel the accepting halt state of M 1 as non-accepting and all non-accepting
halt states as accepting. This produces a machine M 2 that enters an accepting halt state only
when M 1 enters a non-accepting halt state and vice versa. We convert this non-standard
machine to standard form (having one accepting halt state) by adding a new accepting halt
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