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THEOREM 4.10.1 The languages L ( G ) and L ( G ) ∪{} generated by regular grammars G and
recognized by finite-state machines are the same.
Proof Given a regular grammar G , we construct a corresponding NFSM M that accepts
exactly the strings generated by G . Similarly, given a DFSM M we construct a regular
grammar G that generates the strings recognized by M .
From a regular grammar G =(
, S ) with rules
a and
of the form A
b C we create a grammar G generating the same language by replacing a rule A
a B and B
where B is a new non-terminal unique to A
a .Thus,
with rules A
every derivation S
∈T , now corresponds to a derivation S
G w , w
w Bwhere
. Hence, the strings generated by G and G are the same.
Now construct an NFSM M G whose states correspond to the non-terminals of this new
regular grammar and whose input alphabet is its set of terminals. Let the start state of M G
be labeled S . Let there be a transition from state A to state B on input a if there is a rule
in G .
Clearly, every derivation of a string w in L ( G ) corresponds to a path in M that begins in
the start state and ends on a final state. Hence, w is accepted by M G . On the other hand,
if a string w is accepted by M G , given the one-to-one correspondence between edges and
rules, there is a derivation of w from S in G . Thus, the strings generated by G and the
strings accepted by M G are the same.
Now assume we are given a DFSM M that accepts a language L M . Create a grammar
G M whose non-terminals are the states of M and whose start symbol is the start state of M .
G M has a rule of the form q 1
a B in G . Let a state B be a final state if there is a rule of the form B
aq 2 if M makes a transition from state q 1 to q 2 on input
a . If state q is a final state of M , add the rule q
. If a string is accepted by M ,thatis,it
causes M to move to a final state, then G M generates the same string. Since G M generates
onlystringsofthiskind,thelanguageacceptedby M is is L ( G M ) .Nowconvert G M to
a regular grammar G M by replacing each pair of rules q 1
aq 2 , q 2
by the pair
q 1
aq 2 , q 1
a , deleting all rules q
corresponding to unreachable final states q ,
= L ( G M ) .
and deleting the rule S
L M .Then, L M −{
= L ( G M )
Figure 4.27 A nondeterministic FSM that accepts a language generated by a regular language in
which all rules are of the form A
. A state is associated with each non-terminal, the
start symbol S is associated with the start state, and final states are associated with non-terminals
A such that A
→ b C or A
. This particular NFSM accepts the language L ( G 4 ) of Example 4.9.4 .
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