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4.7.3 A State Minimization Algorithm
The above approach does not offer a direct way to find a minimal-state machine. In this sec-
tion we give a procedure for this purpose. Given a regular language, we construct an NFSM
that recognizes it (Theorem 4.4.1 ) and then convert the NFSM to an equivalent DFSM (The-
orem 4.2.1 ). Once we have such a DFSM M , we give a procedure to minimize the number of
states based on combining equivalence classes of the right-invariant equivalence relation R M
that are indistinguishable. (These equivalence classes are sets of states of M .) The resulting
machine is isomorphic to M L , the minimal-state machine.
DEFINITION 4.7.7 Let M =(Σ , Q , δ , s , F ) be a DFSM. The equivalence relation n on states
in Q is defined as follows: two states p and q of M are n -indistinguishable (denoted p
n q )if
Σ of length
and only if for all input strings u
| u |≤
n either both δ ( p , u ) and δ ( q , u ) are in
F or both are not in F .(Wewrite p
n q if p and q are not n -indistinguishable.) Two states p
and q are equivalent (denoted p
q )if theyare n -indistinguishable for all n
0 .
For arbitrary states q 1 , q 2 ,and q 3 ,if q 1 and q 2 are n -indistinguishable and q 2 and q 3 are
n -indistinguishable, then q 1 and q 3 are n -indistinguishable. Thus, all three states are in the
same set of the partition and
n is an equivalence relation. By an extension of this type of
reasoning to all values of n , it is also clear that
is an equivalence relation.
The following lemma establishes that
j + 1 refines
j and that for some k and all j
k ,
j is identical to
k , which is in turn equal to
LEMMA 4.7.1 Let M =(Σ , Q , δ , s , F ) be an arbitrary DFSM. Over the set Q the equivalence
n + 1 is a refinement of the relation
n . Furthermore, if for some k
k + 1
2 ,
k are equal, then so are
j + 1 and
j for all j
k .Inparticular,
k and
are identical.
Proof If p
n + 1 q then p
n q by definition. Thus, for n
n + 1 refines
n .
We now show that if
k + 1 and
k are equal, then
j + 1 and
j are equal for all j
Suppose not. Let l be the smallest value of j for which
j + 2 and
j + 1 are not equal. It follows that there exist two states p and q that are indistinguishable
for input strings of length l + 1 or less but are distinguishable for some input string v of
j + 1 and
j are equal but
= l + 1. Since δ ( p , v )= δ ( δ ( p , a ) , u )
and δ ( q , v )= δ ( δ ( q , a ) , u ) , it follows that the states δ ( p , a ) and δ ( q , a ) are distinguishable
by some string u of length l + 1 but not by any string of length l . But this contradicts the
assumption that
= l + 2. Let v = a u where a
Σ and
l + 1 and
l are equal.
0 has two equivalence classes, the final states and all other states. For each
The relation
integer j
k ,where k is the smallest integer such that
k + 1 and
k are equal,
j has at
j− 1 . That is, it has at least j + 2 classes. Since
least one more equivalence class than does
k can have at most
equivalence classes, it follows that k + 2
k and
are identical because if two states cannot be distinguished by input
strings of length k or less, they cannot be distinguished by input strings of any length.
The proof of this lemma provides an algorithm to compute the equivalence relation
namely, compute the relations
j ,0
2 in succession until we find two relations
that are identical. We find
j + 1 from
j as follows: for every pair of states ( p , q )inan
equivalence class of
j , we find their successor states δ ( p , a ) and δ ( q , a ) under input letter
a for each such letter. If for all letters a , δ ( p , a )
j + 1 q
because we cannot distinguish between p and q on inputs of length j + 1 or less. Thus, the
j δ ( q , a ) and p
j q ,then p
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