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4.7.2 The Myhill-Nerode Theorem
The following theorem uses the notion of refinement to give conditions under which a lan-
guage is regular.
THEOREM 4.7.1 (Myhill-Nerode) L is a regular language if and only if R L has a finite num-
ber of equivalence classes. Furthermore, if L is regular, it is the union of some of the equivalence
classes of R L .
Proof We beg in by showing tha t i f L is regular, R L has a finite number of equivalence
classes. Let L be recognized by the DFSM M =(Σ , Q , δ , s , F ) . Then the number of
equivalence classes of R M is finite. Consider two strings u , v
Σ that are equivalent
under R M .Bydefinition, u and v carry M from its initial state to the same state, whether
final or not. Thus, uz and vz also carry M to the same state. It follows that R M is right-
invariant. Because u R M v ,either u and v take M to a final state and are in L or they take
M to a non-final state and are not in L . It follows from the definition of R L that u R L v .
Thus, R M is a refinement of R L .Consequently, R L has no more equivalence classes than
does R M and this number is finite.
Now let R L have a finite number of equivalence classes. We show that the machine
M L recognizes L . Since it has a finite number of states, we are done. The proof that M L
recognizes L is straightforward. If [ w ] is a final state, it is reached by applying to M L in
its initial state a string in [ w ] . Since the final states are the equivalence classes containing
exactly those strings that are in L , M L recognizes L . It follows that if L is regular, it is the
union of some of the equivalence classes of R L .
We now state an important corollary of this theorem that identifies a minimal machine
recognizing a regular language L .TwoDFSMsare isomorphic if they differ only in the names
given to states.
COROLLARY 4.7.1 If L is regular, the machine M L is a minimal DFSM recognizing L .Allother
such minimal machines are isomorphic to M L .
Proof From the proof of Theorem 4.7.1 ,if M is any DFSM recognizing L ,ithasnofewer
states than there are equivalence classes of R L , which is the number of states of M L .Thus,
M L has a minimal number of states.
Consider another minimal machine M 0 =(Σ , Q 0 , δ 0 , s 0 , F 0 ) . Each state of M 0 can
be identified with some state of M L . Equate the initial states of M L and M 0 and let q be
an arbitrary state of M 0 . There is some string u
Σ such that q = δ 0 ( s 0 , u ) .(Ifnot,
M 0 is not minimal.) Equate state q with state δ L ( s L , u )=[ u ] of M L .Let v
[ u ] .
If δ 0 ( s 0 , v )
= q , M 0 has more states than does M L , which is a contradiction. Thus, the
identification of states in these two machines is consistent. The final states F 0 of M 0 are
identified with those equivalence classes of M L that contain strings in L .
Consider now the next-state function δ 0 of M 0 .Letstate q of M 0 be identified with
state [ u ] of M L and let a be an input letter. Then, if δ 0 ( q , a )= p , it follows that p is
associated with state [ u a ] of M L because the input string ua maps s 0 to state p in M 0 and
maps s L to [ u a ] in M L . Thus, the next-state functions of the two machines are identical
up to a renaming of the states of the two machines.
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