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Figure 4.6 Finite-state machines recognizing the regular expressions
, respectively.
In b) an output state is shown even though it cannot be reached.
INDUCTION: Assume that the hypothesis holds for all regular expressions r with at most k
operators. We show that it holds for k + 1 operators. Since k is arbitrary, it holds for all k .
The outermost operator (the k + 1st) is either concatenation, union, or Kleene closure. We
argue each case separately.
CASE 1: Let r =( r 1 ·
r 2 ) . M 1 and M 2 are the NFSMs that accept r 1 and r 2 , respectively.
By the inductive hypothesis, such machines exist. Without loss of generality, assume that the
states of these machines are distinct and let them have initial states s 1 and s 2 , respectively.
As suggested in Fig. 4.7 , create a machine M that accepts r as follows: for each input letter
σ , final state f of M 1 ,andstate q of M 2 reached by an edge from s 2 labeled σ ,addanedge
with the same label σ from f to q .If s 2 is not a final state of M 2 , remove the final state
designations from states of M 1 .
It follows that every string accepted by M either terminates on a final state of M 1 (when
M 2 accepts the empty string) or exits a final state of M 1 (never to return to a state of M 1 ),
enters a state of M 2 reachable on one input letter from the initial state of M 2 , and terminates
on a final state of M 2 .Thus, M accepts exactly the strings described by r .
CASE 2: Let r =( r 1 + r 2 ) .Let M 1 and M 2 be NFSMs with distinct sets of states and let
initial states s 1 and s 2 accept r 1 and r 2 , respectively. By the inductive hypothesis, M 1 and
M 2 exist. As suggested in Fig. 4.8 , create a machine M that accepts r as follows: a) add a
new initial state s 0 ; b) for each input letter σ and state q of M 1 or M 2 reached by an edge
f 1
q 1
f 3
s 1
M 1
M 2
s 2
f 2
q 2
Figure 4.7 Amachine M recognizing r 1 · r 2 . M 1 and M 2 are the NFSMs that accept r 1 and
r 2 , respectively. An edge with label a is added between each final state of M 1 and each state of M 2
reached on input a from its start state, s 2 . The final states of M 2 are final states of M ,asarethe
final states of M 1 if s 2 is a final of M 2 . It follows that this machine accepts the strings beginning
with a string in r 1 followed by one in r 2 .
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