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q R
0, 1
Figure 4.3 The DFSM M equiv equivalent to the NFSM ND .
We first give an inductive definition of the states of M 2 .Let Q ( k 2 denote the sets of states
of M 1 that can be reached from s 1 on input strings containing k or fewer letters. In the
example given above, Q ( 1 )
and Q ( 3 )
q 0
q 1 , q 2
, q R }
q 0
q 1 , q 2
q 3 , q 4
.Toconstruct Q ( k + 1 )
from Q ( k )
q 1 , q 2 , q 5
, q R }
, we form the subset of Q 1 that can be
reached on each input letter from a subset in Q ( k )
, as illustrated above. If this is a new set,
it is added to Q ( k )
2 and Q ( k + 1 2 are the same, we terminate
this process since no new subsets of Q 1 can be reached from s 1 . This process eventually
terminates because Q 2 hasatmost2 |Q 1 | elements. It terminates in at most 2 |Q 1 |
to form Q ( k + 1 )
.When Q ( k )
because starting from the initial set
at least one new subset must be added at each step.
The next-state function δ 2 of M 2 is defined as follows: for each state q of M 2 (a subset
of Q 1 ), the value of δ 2 ( q , a ) for input letter a is the state of M 2 (subset of Q 1 ) reached from
q on input a .Asthesets Q ( 1 )
q 0
, ... , Q ( m )
are constructed, m
2 |Q 1 |
1, we construct a
table for δ 2 .
We now show by induction on the length of an input string z that if z can take M 1 to
a state in the set S
Q 1 ,thenittakes M 2 to its state associated with S . It follows that if S
contains a final state of M 1 ,then z is accepted by both M 1 and M 2 .
The basis for the inductive hypothesis is the case of the empty input letter. In this case,
s 1 is reached by M 1 if and only if
is reached by M 2 . The inductive hypothesis is that
if w of length n can take M 1 to a state in the set S ,thenittakes M 2 to its state associated
with S . We assume the hypothesis is true on inputs of length n and show that it remains
true on inputs of length n + 1. Let z = w a be an input string of length n + 1. To show
that z can take M 1 to a state in S if and only if it takes M 2 to the state associated with S ,
observe that by the inductive hypothesis there exists a set S
s 1 }
Q 1 such that w can take M 1
to a state in S if and only if it takes M 2 to the state associated with S . By the definition
of δ 2 , the input letter a takes the states of M 1 in S into states of M 1 in S if and only if a
takes the state of M 2 associated with S to the state associated with S . It follows that the
inductive hypothesis holds.
Up to this point we have shown equivalence between deterministic and nondeterministic
FSMs. Another equivalence question arises in this context: It is, “Given an FSM, is there an
equivalent FSM that has a smaller number of states?” The determination of an equivalent FSM
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