Information Technology Reference
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L 0
f mux
f mux
L 1
L 2
f add
f and
f not
Figure 3.39 Circuits providing input to the accumulator AC.
The circuit for the program counter PC can be designed from an adder, a multiplexer, and
a few additional gates. Its size is proportional to
. The circuits to supply inputs to
the remaining registers, namely MAR, MDR, OPC, INR, and OUTR, are less complex to
design than those for the accumulator. The same observations apply to the control variable to
write the contents of the memory. The complete design of the CPU is given as an exercise (see
Problem 3.41 ).
log 2 m
3.10.6 CPU Circuit Size and Depth
Using the design given above for a simple CPU as a basis, we derive upper bounds on the size
and depth of the next-state and output functions of the RAM CPU defined in Section 3.4 .
All words on which the CPU operates contain b bits except for addresses, which contain
bits where m is the number of words in the random-access memory. We assume that
the CPU not only has an
log m
-bit program counter but can send the contents of the PC
to the MAR of the random-access memory in one unit of time. When the CPU fetches an
instruction that refers to an address, it may have to retrieve multiple b -bit words to create an
log m
-bit address. We assume the time for such operations is counted in the number T of
steps that the RAM takes for the computation.
The arithmetic operations supported by the RAM CPU include addition and subtraction,
operations realized by circuits with size and depth linear and logarithmic respectively in b ,the
log m
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