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3.2.1 A Shallow Circuit Simulating Addition
Applying the above result to the adder FSM of Fig. 3.10 , we produce a circuit that accepts
T pairs of binary inputs and computes the sum as T -bit binary numbers. Since this FSM
has four states, the theorem states that the circuit has size O ( T ) and depth O (log T ) .The
carry-lookahead adder of Section 2.7 has these characteristics.
We can actually produce the carry-lookahead circuit by a more careful design of the state-
to-state mappings. We use the following encodings for states, where states are represented by
( c , s )
State Encoding
q cs
q 0 00
q 1 01
q 2 10
q 3 11
Since the next-state mappings are the same for inputs 0, 1, and 1, 0, we encode an input
pair ( u , v ) by ( g , p ) ,where g = u
v are the carry-generate and carry-
propagate variables introduced in Section 2.7 and used above. With these encodings, the three
different next-state mappings
v and p = u
Δ 0,0 , Δ 0,1 , Δ 1,1 }
defined in Fig. 3.11 can be encoded as shown
in the table below. The entry at the intersection of row ( c , s ) and column ( p , g ) in this table
is the value ( c , s ) of the generic next-state function ( c , s )=Δ p , g ( c , s ) . (Here we abuse
notation slightly to let Δ p , g denote the state-to-state mapping associated with the pair ( u , v )
and represent the state q of M by the pair ( c , s ) .)
g 0 0 1
p 0 1 0
cs c s c s c s
00 000110
01 000110
10 011011
11 011011
Inspection of this table shows that we can write the following formulas for c and s :
c =( p
s = p
c )
g ,
Consider two successive input pairs ( u 1 , v 1 ) and ( u 2 , v 2 ) and associated pairs ( p 1 , g 1 ) and
( p 2 , g 2 ) .IftheFSMofFig. 3.10 is in state ( c 0 , s 0 ) and receives input ( u 1 , v 1 ) ,itentersthe
state ( c 1 , s 1 )=( p 1
c 0 ) . This new state can be obtained by combining p 1 and
g 1 with c 0 .Let ( c 2 , s 2 ) be the successor state when the mapping Δ p 2 , g 2 is applied to ( c 1 , s 1 ) .
c 0
g 1 , p 1
on successive state-to-state mappings Δ p 1 , g 1 and Δ p 2 , g 2 is shown
below, in which ( 3.2 )isused:
p 1 , g 1
Δ p 2 , g 2 )( q )=Δ p 2 , g 2 p 1 , g 1 (( c 0 , s 0 )))
p 2 , g 2 ( p 1
c 0
g 1 , p 1
c 0 )
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