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2.25 Design a circuit that finds the most significant non-zero position in an n -bit binary
number and logically shifts the binary number left so that the non-zero bit is in the most
significant position. The circuit should produce not only the shifted binary number but
also a binary representation of the amount of the shift.
2.26 Consider the function π [ j , k ]= π [ j , k
is defined in Section 2.7.1 . Show by induction that the first component of π [ j , k ] is 1
if and only if a carry propagates through the full adder stages numbered j , j + 1, ... , k
and its second component is 1 if and only if a carry is generated at one of these stages,
propagates through subsequent stages, and appears as a carry out of the k th stage.
1 ]
π [ k , k ] for 1
1, where
2.27 Give a construction of a circuit for subtracting one n -bit positive binary integer from
another using the two's-complement operation. Show that the circuit has size O ( n )
and depth O (log n ) .
2.28 Complete the proof of Theorem 2.9.3 outlined in the text.
In particular, solve the
recurrence given in equation ( 2.10 ).
2.29 Show that the depth bound stated in Theorem 2.9.3 can be improved from O (log 2 n )
to O (log n ) without affecting the size bound by using carry-save addition to form the
six additions (or subtractions) that are involved at each stage.
Hint: Observe that each multiplication of ( n/ 2 ) -bit numbers at the top level is ex-
panded at the next level as sums of the product of ( n/ 4 ) -bit numbers and that this type
of replacement continues until the product is formed of 1-bit numbers. Observe also
that 2 n -bit carry-save adders can be used at the top level but that the smaller carry-save
adders can be used at successively lower levels.
2.30 Residue arithmetic can be used to add and subtract integers. Given positive relatively
prime integers p 1 , p 2 , ... , p k (no common factors), an integer n in the set
0, 1, 2, ... ,
p k , can be represented by the k -tuple n =( n 1 , n 2 , ... , n k ) ,
where n j = n mod p j .Let n and m be in this set.
, N = p 1 p 2
= m .
b) Form n + m by adding corresponding j th components modulo p j . Show that
n + m uniquely represents ( n + m )mod N .
c) Form n
Show that if n
= m , n
m by multiplying corresponding j th components of n and m modulo
p j . Show that n
m istheuniquerepresentationfor ( nm )mod N .
2.31 Use the circuit designed in Problem 2.19 to build a circuit that adds two n -bit binary
numbers modulo an arbitrary third n -bit binary number. You may use known circuits.
2.32 In prime factorization an integer n is represented as the product of primes. Let p ( N )
be the largest prime less than N .Then, n
is represented by the
exponents ( e 2 , e 3 , ... , e p ( N ) ), where n = 2 e 2 3 e 3 ...p ( N ) e p ( N ) . The representation
for the product of two integers in this system is the sum of the exponents of their
respective prime factors. Show that this leads to a multiplication circuit whose depth
is proportional to log log log N . Determine the size of the circuit using the fact that
there are O ( N/ log N ) primes in the set
2, ... , N
2, ... , N
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