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2.4 a) Write a procedure EXOR in a language of your choice that writes the description
of the straight-line program given in equation ( 2.2 ).
b) Write a program in a language of your choice that evaluates an arbitrary straight-
line program given in the format of equation ( 2.2 ) in which each input value is
2.5 A set of Boolean functions forms a complete basis Ω if a logic circuit can be constructed
for every Boolean function f :
using just functions in Ω .
a) Show that the basis consisting of one function, the NAND gate, a gate on two
inputs realizing the NOT of the AND of its inputs, is complete.
b) Determine whether or not the basis
is complete.
2.6 Sh ow that the CNF of a Boolean function f is unique and is the negation of the DNF
of f .
2.7 Show that the RSE of a Boolean function is unique.
2.8 Show that any SOPE (POSE) of the parity function f ( n )
has exponentially many terms.
Hint: Show by contradiction that every term in a SOPE (every clause of a POSE)
of f ( n )
contains every variable. Then use the fact that the DNF (CNF) of f ( n )
exponentially many terms to complete the proof.
2.9 Demonstrate that the RSE of the OR of n variables, f ( n )
, includes every product term
except for the constant 1.
2.10 Consider the Boolean function f ( n )
mod 3 on n variables, which has value 1 when the sum
of its variables is zero modulo 3 and value 0 otherwise. Show that it has exponential-size
DN F, CN F, a n d R S E n o r m a l f o r m s .
Hint: Use the fact that the following sum is even:
3 k
3 j
2.11 Show that every Boolean function f ( n ) :
can be expanded as follows:
f ( x 1 , x 2 , ... , x n )= x 1 f ( 1, x 2 , ... , x n )
x 1 f ( 0, x 2 , ... , x n )
Apply this expansion to each variable of f ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 )= x 1 x 2
x 2 x 3 to obtain its
2.12 In a dual-rail logic circuit 0 and 1 are represented by the pairs ( 0, 1 ) and ( 1, 0 ) ,re-
spectively. A variable x is represented by the pair ( x , x ) .A NOT in this representation
(called a DRL- NOT ) is a pair of twisted wires.
a) How are AND (DRL- AND )and OR (DRL- OR ) realized in this representation? Use
standard AND and OR gates to construct circuits for gates in the new representa-
tion. Show that every function f :
m can be realized by a dual-rail logic
circuit in which the standard NOT gates are used only on input variables (to obtain
the pair ( x , x ) ).
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