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This theorem establishes that the binary sorting f ( n )
n has size O ( n 2 ) .Infact,
a linear-size circuit can be constructed for it, as stated in Problem 2.17 .
sort :
2.12 Most Boolean Functions Are Complex
As we show in this section, the circuit size and depth of most Boolean functions f :
on n variables are at least exponential and linear in n , respectively. Furthermore, we show in
Section 2.13 that such functions can be realized with circuits whose size and depth are at most
exponential and linear, respectively, in n . Thus, the circuit size and depth of most Boolean
functions on n variables are tightly bounded. Unfortunately, this result says nothing about the
size and depth of a specific function, the case of most interest.
Each Boolean function on n variables is represented by a table with 2 n rows and one
column of values for the function. Since each entry in this one column can be completed in
one of two ways, there are 2 2 n ways to fill in the column. Thus, there are exactly 2 2 n Boolean
functions on n variables. Most of these functions cannot be realized by small circuits because
there just are not enough small circuits.
THEOREM 2.12.1 Let 0 << 1 . The fraction of the Boolean functions f : B
2 ( / 2 ) 2 n when
have size complexity C Ω 0 ( f ) satisfying the following lower bound is at least 1
) / ]log 2 [( 3 e ) 2 ( 1
2 [( 1
/ 2 )] .(Here e = 2 . 71828 ... isthebaseofthenatural
2 n
n ( 1
2 n 2
C Ω 0 ( f )
Proof Each circuit contains some number, say g , of gates and each gate can be one of the
three types of gate in the standard basis. The circuit with no gates computes the constant
functions with value of 1 or 0 on all inputs.
An input to a gate can either be the output of another gate or one of the n input variables.
(Since the basis Ω 0 is
, no gate need have a constant input.) Since each
gatehasatmosttwoinputs,thereareatmost ( g
1 + n ) 2 ways to connect inputs to one
gate and ( g
1 + n ) 2 g ways to interconnect g gates. In addition, since each gate can be
one of three types, there are 3 g ways to name the gates. Since there are g ! orderings of
g items (gates) and the ordering of gates does not change the function they compute, at
most N ( g )= 3 g ( g + n ) 2 g /g ! distinct functions can be realized with g gates. Also, since
g !
g g e −g
(see Problem 2.2 ) it follows that
( 3 e ) g [( g 2 + 2 gn + n 2 ) /g ] g
( 3 e ) g ( g + 2 n 2 ) g
N ( g )
The last inequality follows because 2 gn + n 2
2 gn 2 for n
2. Since the last bound is an
( 3 e ) G
increasing function of g , N ( 0 )= 2and G + 1
for G
1, the number M ( G ) of
functions realizable with between 0 and G gates satisfies
( x x ) 1 /a
( G + 1 )( 3 e ) G ( G + 2 n 2 ) G
[( 3 e ) 2 ( G + 2 n 2 )] G
M ( G )
where x = a ( G + 2 n 2 ) and a =( 3 e ) 2 . With base-2 logarithms, it is straightforward to
show that x x
2 x 0
if x
x 0 / log 2 x 0 and x 0
2 ( 1 −δ ) 2 n
for 0 <δ< 1, at most a fraction 2 ( 1 −δ ) 2 n / 2 2 n
= 2 −δ 2 n of the
If M ( G )
Boolean functions on n variables have circuits with G or fewer gates.
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