Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
» Regional parts of Colorado are poorly serviced by buses. Exceptions are RTD (Denver, Boulder areas), Summit
County's Summit Stage, ECO (Eagle County) and Roaring Fork Transportation, in the Aspen region. Bike racks on
buses are the norm, as are ski racks in high country.
» Greyhound tickets can be bought over the phone or online with a credit card and mailed if purchased 10 days in ad-
vance, or picked up at the terminal with proper identification.
» Discounts apply to tickets purchased 14 or 21 days in advance.
» All buses are nonsmoking, and reservations are made with ticket purchases only.
Car & Motorcycle
One of the great ways to experience Colorado is to drive its roads and byways. The road conditions are generally very
good and it's always rewarding when you point the car down an unknown backroad just to see where it goes. Good
maps and road atlases are sold everywhere.
The penchant Coloradans have for monster SUVs and mega motorhomes can be a little intimidating when you're put
putting up a steep mountain road in your clapped-out Korean rental car. But fellow drivers are courteous and generous
with their friendly conversation at roadside diners and gas stations. 'Where you headed?' is a common opener. Tuning
into local radio stations is part of the immersive cultural experience.
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