Travel Reference
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Major Thornburg and his officers are killed in a Ute ambush, as are Indian agent Nathan Meeker and
his 10 staff. The women and children are taken hostage. This becomes known as the Meeker Mas-
William F 'Buffalo Bill' Cody dies and is buried at Mt Lookout, overlooking Denver. Today you can
visit the Buffalo Bill Museum & Grave from Golden.
The Denver Broncos beat the Green Bay Packers and the following year the Atlanta Falcons to win
back-to-back Super Bowls. Denver, and the rest of Colorado, is ecstatic.
Students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold kill 12 students and one teacher before committing suicide at
Colombine High School, near Denver.
Coloradans vote for Amendment 20 in the state election, which provides for the dispensing of can-
nabis to registered patients. A proliferation of medical marijuana clinics ensues over the next decade.
Fires burn for 11 days near Boulder causing mass evacuations and property damage. Over 1000 fire-
fighters are deployed, and 7000 acres and 169 houses are burnt.
The 2013 Colorado Floods result from massive rainfall between September 9 and 12. Over $1 billion
of damage was done to the Front Range and eight people died.
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