Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Glen Haven
Blink and you might just miss Glen Haven, a tiny outpost on the North Fork of the Big
Thompson River, 7 miles east of Estes Park on Devils Gulch Rd. There isn't much here
except a post office and general store, but the scenic approach makes it a worthwhile af-
ternoon. Follow the narrow canyon road for 8 miles northwest from US 34 at Drake, site
of the North Fork's confluence with the main channel in Big Thompson Canyon. Along
the way there are handsome picnic spots; our favorite is right in Glen Haven on the nar-
row banks of the tumbling North Fork. If you forgot to pack a lunch, drop in at the Glen
Haven General Store ( 970-586-2560; ; 7499 Country Rd 43; 9am-6pm May-
Oct, shorter hours in winter; ) for gooey cinnamon rolls, cherry cobbler and deli items. In
winter it's open 'from 9am to whenever we feel like it!'
The prime attraction of town is the Inn of Glen Haven ( 970-586-3897; ;
7468 Country Rd 43; d w shared bath from $95; ) , an effete lair of the English gentry, offering
delightful B&B rooms (with names such as Lord Dunraven's Room!) and fine dining. It's
almost comically stuffy, but fun in a Renaissance-fair kind of way.
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