Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
The Urban and Environmental
Building Code as Implementation Tool
Valentina Vaccaro
The frame within which the work is placed refers to the actions necessary to
achieve the objectives of the coverage of the consumption of energy from
renewable sources compared to the gross final consumption, posed to Regions
by 2020, and that can be implemented through various actions involving local
governments including the revision of the municipal building codes in a
sustainable view. These actions are increasingly being recognized as energy
planning tools for the territories where administrations have committed to the
European project Covenant of Mayors. The discussion shows how the adoption
by the Regions of Guidelines for sustainable municipal building codes can be a
practical tool for raising the energy performance of buildings and the
achievement of common goals of sustainability at regional scale. The work
also aims at showing a concrete example of the definition of guidelines for the
revision of the municipal Building Regulations for cities within the Sicilian
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