Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Nevertheless, it is now clear that sustainable development goes through the
cities and that the future is linked to the city's ability to refurbish itself from the
inside by adapting to the lack of resources, activating resilience processes, pro-
moting requalification, renovation or radical substitution of existing areas,
ensuring quality standards, low costs, minimal environmental impact and resource
It is apparent that, although cities have acquired in-depth knowledge and many
experiences have been carried out, the lack of political decisions and the lack of a
widespread culture of the urban and environmental crises create in important
problems in the realization of a sustainable city.
One of the main causes of the urban crisis is the lack of congruence between the
real size of the city and the decision-making model used to manage it. The real
problems of cities and territories are not appropriately tackled, but most of the
resources available are wasted.
It seems clear that the relationship between society and environment will be
more and more strategic for the future of cities and that smart growth will be
increasingly related to available resources, knowledge, cultural heritage, social
contexts and green economy.
Berkes F, Colding J, Folke C (2008) Navigating social-ecological systems: building resilience for
complexity and change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Cities Climate Leadership Group, C40 (2014), www.c40.org/
Comune di Bologna (2009) Regolamento urbanistico edilizio. www.urp.comune.bologna.it/
Comune di Trento (2013) Regolamento edilizio comunale. www.comune.trento.it/Comune/
Communauité Urbaine de Bordeaux, La CUB (2008) Guide de qualité urbaine et d'aménagement
durable. www.lacub.fr/sites/default/files/PDF/publications/guides/guide_qualite_urbaine.pdf
Consiglio Nazionale Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori, CNAPPC (2012) Piano
Nazionale per la Rigenerazione Urbana Sostenibile. www.awn.it/AWN/Engine/ RAServeFile.
php/f/ Documenti%20CNAPPC/4
Comitato Interministeriale per le Politiche Pubbliche—CIPU (2013) Metodi e contenuti sulle
priorità in tema di Agenda Urbana, Allegati 1 e 2, Roma
Costantino D (2012) Verso la smart city, in Riva Sanseverino E, Riva Sanseverino R, Vaccaro V,
Atlante delle smart cities: modelli di sviluppo sostenibile per città e territori, Franco Angeli/
Covenant of Mayors (2014), www.covenantofmayors.eu/index_en.html
European Commission (2013) An EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change. www.eur-lex.
European Commission (2011) Directorate General for Regional Policy Cities of tomorrow—
European Commission (2010) Europe strategy 2020, a strategy for smart, sustainable and
inclusive growth. www.ec.europe.eu/europe2020/index_en.htm
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