Travel Reference
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Perseus was the son of Zeus and the maiden Danae. The tyrant Polydectes violently
desired Danae, but Perseus promised him the snake-infested head of Medusa in ex-
change for his mother's safety. Perseus slew Medusa with Athena's help and, upon
his return, turned Polydectes to stone; Athena then put Medusa's head on her shield.
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Gods and Monsters
Gods and Monsters
1. Zeus
The Pantheon's supreme god ruled the skies and fathered hundreds of heroes
with his supernatural libido.
2. Poseidon
The god of the sea was Zeus's brother - and sometimes his greatest rival.
3. Athena
Zeus's daughter was a virgin warrior goddess of wisdom and philosophy. She
was also goddess of weaving and patron of Athens.
4. Apollo
The handsome god of music and poetry presided over the Muses.
5. Artemis
Apollo's twin sister was goddess of the moon and the hunt, and remained a vir-
6. Aphrodite
Voluptuous Aphrodite was Artemis's polar opposite - the temperamental god-
dess of love had dozens of affairs.
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