Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
cathedral library designed by François Cuvilliés, of Cuvilliés-Theatre fame, was under
meticulous renovation at the time of writing.
Diözesan Museum
(Domberg 21; adult/concession €6/4; 10am-5pm Tue-Sun) At the western end of the
Domberg you'll find Germany's largest ecclesiastical museum. The building contains a
Fort Knox-worthy collection of bejewelled gold vessels, reliquaries and ceremonial re-
galia as well as some exquisite nativity scenes. Pride of place goes to the Lukasbild, a
12th-century Byzantine icon set in its own diminutive silver altar. Rubens and other mas-
ters await upstairs.
Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan
( 5360; ; Alte Akademie 2; tours 60/120 min €6/9; 10am
Mon-Wed & 1.30pm Tue) Southwest of the Domberg, a former Benedictine monastery
hosts, among other university faculties, a respected college of beer brewing. Also here is
the Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan, a brewery founded in 1040, making it the world's old-
est still in operation. Guided tours trace a millenium of brewery history in the museum,
which is followed by a behind-the-scenes spin around the hallowed halls and concluded
with a beer tasting (you get to keep the glass). Bookings are advised. Tours include a pret-
zel and a €2 voucher good for souvenirs or another brew served in the beer garden and the
vaulted cellar of the Bräustüberl.
The bulk of Freising's sights are in the Altstadt on or around the Lehrberg, site of the
cathedral complex, more popularly known as the Domberg. For information, visit the
tourist office ( 544 4111; ; Marienplatz 7; 9am-6pm Mon-Fri, to
1pm Sat) from which staff run guided tours in English, including one that follows in the
steps of Pope Benedict. Book ahead.
Getting There & Away
Freising is about 35km northeast of Munich at the northern terminus of the S1 (€7.50, 40
minutes) and is also frequently served by faster regional trains (€7.50, 25 minutes). The
Domberg and Altstadt are a 10-minute walk from the train station. By car, take Leopold-
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