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named after the Buddha statues infamously destroyed by the Taliban in 2001. Central Asi-
an soups, kebabs, rice and lamb dishes, and big salads are eaten at hand-made tables inlaid
with ornate metalwork.
MC Müller €
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(cnr Müllerstrasse & Fraunhoferstrasse; burgers from €5; 6pm-2am Mon-Thu, to 4am
Fri & Sat; Müllerstrasse) Sixties looks and triple duty as bar, DJ lounge and burger
joint until the wee hours.
Götterspeise €
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(Jahnstrasse 30; snacks from €3; 8am-7pm Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm Sat; Müllerstraße)
The name of this place translates as 'food of the gods' and the food in question is that
most sinful of treats, chocolate. This comes in many forms, both liquid and solid, but there
are also teas, coffees and cakes and we love the little smokers' perches outside for puffing
Wirtshaus in der Au €€
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( 448 1400; Lilienstrasse 51; mains €8-19; 5pm-midnight Mon-Fri, from 10am Sat
& Sun; Deutsches Museum) Though this traditional Bavarian restaurant has a solid
21st-century vibe, it's that time-honoured staple the dumpling that's been declared top
speciality here (they even run a dumpling making course in English). Once a brewery, the
space-rich indoor dining area has chunky tiled floors, a lofty ceiling and a crackling fire-
place in winter. When spring springs, the beer garden fills.
Dreigroschenkeller €€
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( 379 558 34; Lilienstrasse 2; mains €7.50-16.50; 5pm-1am Sun-Thu, to 3am Fri &
Sat; Deutsches Museum) A cosy and labyrinthine brick-cellar pub with rooms based
upon Bertolt Brecht's Die Dreigroschenoper ( The Threepenny Opera ), ranging from a
prison cell to a red satiny salon. There are nine types of beer to choose from and an ex-
tensive menu of hearty Bavarian soak-up material.
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