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Example 6.8 In Fig. 6.11 , we can obtain Matrix B from A by performing the fol-
lowing init-block reconstruction:
1. Permute symbol '0' and '1' in the first column.
2. Swap rows 1, 2, 3, 4 with rows 5, 6, 7, 8 respectively.
3. Permute symbol '0' and '1' in the last column.
After step 2, the init-block is unchanged. However, the last column of Matrix
A is converted to
, contradicting Formula (1) which specifies that
symbol '0' must precede '1'. Step 3 is then performed to adjust the matrix and we
get Matrix B, which satisfies all symmetry breaking constraints. Therefore, A and B
are symmetric w.r.t. the init-block reconstruction.
For an OA
1 symmetries caused
by init-block reconstructions except for the identity mapping. To break all these
symmetries, it can be costly, because there are too many swappings and permutations
to perform.
Another technique called Filter [ 5 ] is also useful to break such symmetries. The
basic idea is to add additional constraints to the column adjoining the init-block,
i.e. the
s 1 ·
s 2 ...
s k ,
, there are s 1
s 2 ! ...
s t !−
th column. Once a symmetry caused by init-block reconstruction has
been broken in the
th column, it is prevented from spreading to the following
columns. It is like setting a filter beyond the init-block, hence the name filter. Filter
can not break all symmetries w.r.t. init-block reconstruction, but it can eliminate
enough isomorphisms, yet the extra cost is negligible.
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