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He is without any form, yet dwells inside and outside all things
with form and shape,
Yet He is entirely free of error, faultless and pure.
He is far beyond anything a human body can comprehend,
And being the Divine Poet, He is inspiration itself.
He maintains peace and harmony because He is both peace and
harmony made manifest.
Thus He sustains His Creation in its perfect order.
- Yajur Veda (10.8)
He is present in all places and rules everywhere.
His power controls utterly all the three regions:
Earth, the Middle-Air, and the highest heavens.
One foot is rooted in things we understand;
But the other rests in a realm of deep, dark mystery,
A place far beyond the knowledge of mankind.
- Atharva Veda (7.26.4)
He pervades all things, He is changeless and supreme,
More pure than even the purest,
Yet he dwells inside the hearts of those who seek Him;
He is the inspiration behind all holy words uttered by priests at
the altars.
Yet he is treasured, like a dear guest in our home.
He is the substance of every great eternal law,
And He can be perceived in the universal forces of life.
His presence is there in the vast seas,
across the teeming earth,
and in the soaring mountain peaks.
- Rig Veda (4.40.5)
Hardly polytheism. Long before the burgeoning Hindu pantheon;
long before Siva, Vishnu, Rama, Ganesh, Parvati, Saraswati, Laxmi,
and the 35,999,993 others, this is the God of the Vedas, and religion
in its most pristine form.
As 'spiritual science,' Vedism and other ancient forms of high
wisdom relate knowledge to God. Knowledge of God's creation
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