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'Who's in Charge Here?'
BOMBAY, 1974
And though I have discarded much of past tradition and custom, and am
anxious that India should rid herself of all shackles that bind and constrain
her and divide her people, and suppress vast numbers of them, and prevent
free development of the body and the spirit; though I seek all this, yet I do not
wish to cut myself off from the past completely. I am proud of that great
inheritance that has been, and is, ours, and I am conscious that I too, like all
of us, am a link in that unbroken chain which goes back to the dawn of
history in the immemorial past of India. That chain I would not break, for I
treasure it and seek inspiration from it. And as a witness of this desire of mine
and as my last homage to India's cultural inheritance, I am making this
request that a handful of my ashes be thrown into the Ganga at Allahabad to
be carried to the great ocean that washes India's shore.
- Jawaharlal Nehru, Last Will and Testament
On September 5, 1974 - my birthday, in fact - I first set foot on
Indian soil. Indian dust, to be exact. Bombay's airport did not create
a winning first impression to visitors to the subcontinent twenty
years ago.
After the dryness of the Middle East, where I'd stopped over, the
air that hung in Bombay's steaming pre-dawn gloom felt and
smelled like the enveloping breath of a monster gorged on overspiced
sewage. The hot, sodden shroud hung oppressively on all sides, and
within minutes I felt I was dissolving into it. You soon realise why
Indians wear Indian clothes . . .
Drenched in sweat, irritable from jet lag, brain lag, and all the
other lags a modern traveller's flesh is heir to, I found myself in a
line-up, waiting to reach a man who resembled a black Errol Flynn
in soiled khaki - the ubiquitous uniform, it seemed, of all Indian
officialdom. Above him, a battered sign read 'Immigration Control'
in English and Hindi. Although there were only twenty or so people
ahead of me, it took nearly half an hour before he asked for my
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