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been assassinated. His killer apparently had had absolutely no
intention of killing the father of his nation, or anyone else, when he
got out of bed that fateful day. According to Rajneesh, Gandhiji had
beamed out mental forms that made his killer go into a trance,
obtain a gun, and then blow away a man he actually idolised. The
assassin had been as horrified by what he'd done as everyone else.
This was why Gandhiji had forgiven him just before he died. The
killer had never mentioned 'possession by mental forms' in his
defence, either - as far as I knew. But, as with everything that came
tumbling out of the bhagwan's venerable beard, it wasn't even worth
pondering over whether it was true or not.
I remembered these discourses years later when I scanned Adolf
Hitler's Tabletalk . Fortunately, Rajneesh didn't have the Führer's
resources behind him, so the havoc he was able to wreak remained
After two hours of this I felt like tearing my hair out and
screaming. Everyone else rose as the bhagwan left the podium and
vanished behind curtains, just like the Wizard of Oz. They paused
in a profound and blessed silence. Then, apparently, it was time for
breakfast. But Dr. Otis placed a ghostly arm on my shoulder, asking,
'Vell? How you like your virst glimpse of derr bargvaan?'
'I'd rather memorise all of Wordsworth's Ecclesiastical Sonnets than
sit through that again for two hours.'
Apparently Otis had managed to arrange an audience with the
bhagwan. And I could come, too, as his 'assistant.' He needed help
to set up all his equipment for aura research.
'Whose aura are we researching?'
'His.' He rubbed his dry bony hands gleefully.
'I doubt that.'
'Vass promizzed,' he assured me.
Having lugged several heavy metal cases half a mile under blistering
sun, I eventually found myself sitting with the sepulchral Icelander
in a sort of waiting room at Lao Tzu House. Many orange folk
hurried through the corridors, trying to seem busy with matters of
great cosmic significance. Several of them looked like Mob assassins
in disguise. These watched us with eyes that crackled and fizzed.
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