Graphics Programs Reference
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Resize the photo . If you don't want to print the whole image, zoom in on part of it using
the slider below the preview. (If you need to move the image around to focus on the area
you want, drag the image as explained in Figure 16-6 .) Be careful with this feature: You
can easily enlarge the image beyond a reasonable pixel density. (When you click Print,
Elements will warn you if the image is going to print at less than 220 ppi, but as a gener-
al rule it's best to take care of any resizing before you open the Print window.)
Reposition the photo in the box . As mentioned above, you can drag the image around
in the preview area to determine which part of it will print. You can also accidentally
drag the image almost out of view; if that happens, just turn on the Center Image check-
box; if doing that doesn't properly recenter the image, cancel your print and start again.
If you turn on the “Crop to Fit” checkbox on the right side of the Print window, Ele-
ments crops the image based on its original position; it doesn't take into account any
dragging that you do. In other words, if you use “Crop to Fit,” you can't control
which part of your photo Elements prints.
Make the image and print size the same . If you decide to make a 4 x 6-inch print of an
image that's the right aspect ratio (shape) for a 5 x 7-inch print, you'll end up with some
empty space on the edges because the print size and the aspect ratio aren't equivalent.
There are two ways around this. You can turn on “Crop to Fit,” and Elements will chop
off the edges of the photo. Or, if you've already cropped the image to a photo-paper size,
head to the Select Print Size drop-down menu and choose Actual Size. You can also use
a custom size, as explained next.
Pick a custom print size . Either choose Custom from the Print window's Select Print
Size menu, or click the More Options button and then click Custom Print Size. Either
way, you see the More Options dialog box's Custom Print Size settings, where you can
type the exact height and width you want to print in inches, centimeters, millimeters,
points, or picas.
Make the image fill the paper . If you click the Print Window's More Options button
and then click Custom Print Size, you can turn on the “Scale to Fit Media” checkbox,
and Elements makes your image larger or smaller so that all of it fits into your desired
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