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Scene Cleaner is great if you have two photos you can use, but if not, try selecting the un-
wanted person(s) or objects and then using Content-Aware Fill ( Content-Aware Fill ).
Scene Cleaner is easy to use, but you'll get better results if you can plan ahead when taking
your photos. In order to get a people-less landscape (or one with only people you know), you
need to shoot multiple photos from nearly the same angle, and all the areas you want to fea-
ture should be uninhabited in at least one photo. So, for instance, if you can get one shot of
the Statue of Liberty where all the tourists are on the left side of her crown and one where
they're on the right side, you're all set. Then you can use Scene Cleaner to create a more per-
fect world:
1. Open the photos you want to combine .
You can work with from two to ten images in Scene Cleaner, but only two at a time. If
you have more photos open than you want to use, just select the ones you want in the
Photo Bin. If you want to use all your open images, you can wait for the window that
prompts you to select some photos, and then click Open All.
In addition to being taken from nearly the same vantage point, the images should have
similar exposures. For instance, if a cloud was passing overhead so that one photo is
bright and one is shadowy, you'll have to do some fancy touch-ups afterward to blend
the tones. In fact, it's usually easier to fix this kind of problem beforehand. See
Chapter 7 for the full story on correcting exposures.
2. Go to Enhance Photomerge Photomerge Scene Cleaner .
Elements automatically aligns the first two photos you chose in step 1, so there may
be a slight delay before you see the Scene Cleaner window.
3. Choose a final image .
This is the base image into which you'll put parts of the other photo(s). Most of the
time, you'll want to choose the overall best image you have of your subject—the one
you're happiest with except for the intruders. Drag the photo you want from the Photo
Bin into the Final preview area (the right-hand slot).
4. If you don't like the source image Elements picked, choose a different one .
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