Graphics Programs Reference
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Vignette Removal . If you're merging photos that have some vignetting (shadowy
corners caused by things like your camera's lens hood or the lens itself), turn on
this setting and Elements will fix that while it merges the photos.
Geometric Distortion Correction . The top image in Figure 11-2 is shaped like a
big bow tie, a common outcome when stitching lots of images together. Turn this
setting on and Elements squares things up a bit, as you can see in the bottom im-
age in Figure 11-2 . However, you may not like the result; it's totally up to you
whether to turn this checkbox on.
You can't turn on Vignette Removal or Geometric Distortion Correction if you
choose the Collage or Reposition merge style.
5. Click OK to create your panorama .
Elements whirls into action, combining, adjusting, and looking for the most invisible
places to put the seams. Once it's done, it displays your completed panorama.
Elements makes a lot of complex calculations when creating a panorama, espe-
cially if you're combining lots of images or if there are big exposure differences
between the photos, so this step may take awhile. Don't assume that Elements is
stuck; it may just need a few minutes to finish working.
6. Tell Elements whether to fill in any empty edges in the panorama .
When Elements finishes combining the images, you see a dialog box asking if you'd
like the program to automatically fill in the edges of the panorama to make it rectan-
gular. Elements uses Content-Aware Fill ( Content-Aware Fill ) to do this, and some-
times you can get pretty amazing results.
However, this requires Elements to do a lot of serious thinking, and if there's a lot of
empty space in the panorama, you can expect your computer to slow to a crawl while
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