Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
In addition to the methods described here, Elements 13 has two new guided edits for this:
“Selective Black and White” (which is essentially the same method described in the next
section) and the interesting B&W Color Pop effect, which lets you create the kind of
gritty image with a single color in it that's so popular in advertising right now. To use any
of these, just go to Guided Edit (click the word “Guided” at the top of the Elements win-
dow, and then click Photo Effects), and then click the effect for which you want to see
step-by-step instructions.
Brushing Away Color
Creating black-and-white areas in a color photo is super easy in Elements. One way is to use
the Smart Brush to convert an area to black and white while making a selection (see Fig-
ure 10-4 ). In other words, you paint the object you want to make black and white, and Ele-
ments selects and converts it—all while preserving the color in the rest of your photo. If you
want to keep most of the image in color and convert only small portions of it to black and
white, or vice versa, definitely try this method first.
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