Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7-4. Once you've used the Smart Brush, Elements puts a little icon called a pin (the
red icon in the area circled here) in your photo to let you know that the selected region is
now under the power of the Smart Brush. Click the pin to see a trio of icons (circled) that
let you edit the selected area. From left to right, the icons are New Selection, “Add to
Selection,” and “Subtract from Selection.” If you're pressed for time, there's an even
quicker way to modify your selection: Just drag again to expand the area affected by the
Smart Brush (or to use the same adjustment on another part of your photo). The Smart
Brush always adds new areas when you click again; it doesn't start a new selection each
time you click the way the regular selection tools do. Alt-drag/Option-drag to remove
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