Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5-1. The popular name for these dotted lines is “marching ants” because they march
around your selections to show you where the edges lie. The ants let you know that your selec-
tion is active, meaning that whatever you do next will apply only to the selected area.
Deselect Everything (Select→Deselect, Esc, or Ctrl+D/ -D) removes any current selec-
tion. Remember this keystroke combination, because you'll probably use it a lot.
Reselect (Select→Reselect or Shift+Ctrl+D/Shift- -D) tells Elements to reactivate the
selection you just canceled. Use Reselect if you realize you still need a selection you just
got rid of (Ctrl+Z/ -Z works, too).
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