Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
You can even add blank space (called canvas ) on one or more sides of your image
with the Crop tool. To do that, just drag the crop box so that it's outside the
boundaries of the image. When you accept the crop, the extra space appears.
You can also choose a different crop overlay (explained in a sec) to help you create a
more appealing image, or turn the overlay off altogether if it bugs you. In the Tool
Options area, just choose the one you want.
3. When you're sure you've got the crop you want, press Enter/Return, click the
green Commit checkmark, or double-click inside the area you're going to keep,
and you're done .
If you change your mind, click the red Cancel button or press Esc, and Elements un-
does the selection so you can start over.
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