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Fig. 18 a, b HRTEM images of PdAg-25 nanotubes. The inset in (a) shows the corresponding
two-dimensional fast Fourier transform (FFT) pattern. c The high-angle annular dark-field
(HAADF) STEM image of PdAg-25 nanotubes; the corresponding elemental mapping of Ag (d),
Pd (e), and Cl (f) in the PdAg-25 nanotubes. g Cross-sectional compositional line profiles of a
PdAg-25 nanotube. Reprinted from Ref. [ 76 ] with permission by the American Chemical Society
excellent catalytic activity and stability for formic acid oxidation due to their
unique 1D nanostructures. In the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies,
it was also found that the charge-transfer resistance (R CT ) at the PdAg-100
nanotubes is much smaller than that at the PdAg-25 nanotubes, indicating the
electron-transfer kinetics for formic acid oxidation at the PdAg-100 nanotubes is
much better facilitated.
In another study, we synthesized bimetallic PdAg ANWs based on a facile one-
step wet chemical strategy [ 70 ]. Uniform PdAg nanowires were produced by
heating the silver nitrate and Pd(NO 3 ) 2 2H 2 O solution in ethylene glycol at 170 C
with the presence of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone). The HRTEM images in Fig. 20 a, b
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