Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 1 SEM images of two typical morphologies of Pd obtained by adjusting the precursor
concentration and deposition time: a Pd nanorods (Pd-NRs), 3 9 10 -4 M PdCl 2 , 100 s; b Pd
nanoparticles (Pd-NPs), 1 9 10 -5 M PdCl 2 , 3000 s. ORR data for Pd-NR, Pd-NP, and bulk Pt,
obtained in an O 2 saturated 0.1 M HClO 4 solution at a rotation rate of 900 rpm and a scanning
rate of 10 mV s -1 . c Normalized ORR profiles and d Tafel plots. The diffusion limited current
(j L ) has been normalized to the geometric surface area (GSA), while the kinetic current density
(j K *) has been normalized to an electrochemical surface area (ESA) corresponding to a roughness
factor (RF) of 10. Reprinted from Ref. [ 44 ] with permission by the American Chemical Society
Fig. 2 a SEM image of PtPd nanotubes. b TEM image and electron diffraction pattern (inset)of
the PtPd nanotubes. Reprinted from Ref. [ 75 ] with permission by Wiley-VCH
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