Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 3 Comparison of a TEM micrograph of nanostructured magnesium synthesized by gas
phase condensation reaction and b SEM micrograph of nanocrystalline magnesium microstruc-
tures. Reproduced with permission from Zaluska 1999 and Friedrichs 2007
Fig. 4 SEM image a of the nanowires obtained by electrochemical reduction of EtMgCl b high
resolution SEM and c size distribution of the diameters of the nanowires obtained by this method.
Figure used with permission from Viyannalage 2012
nanocrystalline powders has been shown to be effective and have the advantage of
in situ hydriding, [ 8 , 18 ] but the high temperatures and/or pressures required for
this synthesis make it less than ideal. Alternatively, vapor transport has been
used to grow magnesium nanowires also used for hydrogen storage studies [ 19 ].
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